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      DW533 replied to the thread EMS Officers.
      Ok, that’s sense about the LTs and CPTs, but to carry my inquiry what’s the roles and responsibilities for Deputy Chiefs, Division...
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      DW533 reacted to NikFDNY's post in the thread EMS Officers with Like Like.
      Lieutenants and Captains are assigned to a Station, they are supervisors. Captains usually arnt seen on the road. MCI Incident B L...
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      DW533 reacted to Lebby's post in the thread EMS Officers with Like Like.
      Most Stations have two Lieutenants on duty. One sits on the desk and completes administrative duties while the second rides in the...
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      DW533 posted the thread EMS Officers in EMS Operations.
      So I have a pretty good idea of what LTs, CPTs, Battalion Chiefs on the fire side. But what about on in EMS. I know LTs are Condition...
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