Recent content by STAjo

  1. S

    3/8/25 Brooklyn All Hands Box 3872

    Might've been 'Out & About' @ the time - Not Too Far for them Other Co's Responding from Qtr.s
  2. S

    Commissioner Sounds Alarm On EMS
  3. S

    2/26/25 Scanner Feeds

    So, This is What Encrypted Feels like. 🥺
  4. S

    Binghamton, NY 2/13/25 LODD

    Link Att. Fairly Recent Pic 1 & 3 Main St. 3 Main was Exp. 4 which also Burned& Collapsed. Exp. 2/3 of 1 Main is Chenango Riverbank, which attracted unwanted 'Guests' in Basement of 1 Main. One /Three Main St.
  5. S

    Binghamton, NY 2/13/25 LODD

    There was no 'X' on the building. It was Vacant for over a year, Binghamton is a small city, the Downtown Area (Main St. Court St.), all of about 6 Blocks. My Point is, most folks here in the city (especially BPD, BFD, EMS) are familiar with what's Open for Business & what's Closed/Vacant. I...
  6. S

    2/25/25 Manhattan All Hands Box 7300

    'The 191st Street stop is located some 173 feet below street level, the deepest of any underground station in the subway system. Riders have to take elevators from the street-level entrance down to the mezzanine to reach the tracks.'...
  7. S

    2/25/25 Brooklyn 10-75 Box 2304

    Snyder Isl. [310/174] 1* Due into Da' Job :cool:
  8. S

    2/24/25 Manhattan All Hands 10-77 Box 1613

    So Now, I;m not getting either Manh, or Brooklyn via broadcastify. [Report Sent]🥺
  9. S

    2/23/25 Staten Island Water Rescue Box 8039

    'R2 at the AH in the 33' :unsure: . I Don't Get Brooklyn anymore on broadcastify - Super Low Vol. (Unreadable) [I've reported x2 - No Response, I Miss BKLYN Fire 😟 ]
  10. S

    2/18/25 Brooklyn All Hands Box 2473

    255/157 Stayin' Busy :cool:
  11. S

    02/16/24 Manhattan Hazmat / MCI *Possible EBOLA Exposure* Box 1479

    Great Run Down / Updates 👍
  12. S

    2/13/25 Brooklyn All Hands Box 2473

    da' Jolly Rogers (255/157) at it Again (Still) :cool:
  13. S

    Binghamton Job with maydays I personally did not know JR, but Last Night & Today, I spoke to a few guys who did, a Fine Man, Great Guy to be around, Heroic FF. Rest In Peace, JR. God Bless those Who Mourn.
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    Binghamton, NY 2/13/25 LODD

    Terrible Tragedy here in Binghamton last night. We mourn the LODD of Binghamton FF JR Gaudet. God Bless Those Who Serve and; Those Who Mourn. 2 other Binghamton FD Members were Treated & Released from Hospital. Downtown Main St. (Court St,) Remain Closed - Off Today from One Side of the...
  15. S

    2/11/25 Brooklyn All Hands Box 2472

    da' Jolly Rogers (255/157) at it Again/Still 😉 E255 Initially Unavailable*