Newport News VA Working Fire 7/21/23

Apr 1, 2007
Newport News ,*working residential Structure Fire * 32 Fergusons cove, Caller advised their house is full of smoke - response on tac 2.

Rescue 2 arriving investigating par 3

Engine 8 on-scene establishing command

Engine 10 going to the rear with the home owner believes it may be under the crawl space

Rescue 2 advising Fire under the crawl space, requesting a 1 3/4 to the rear of the house

Engine 8 dropping 5 inch down the driveway

Engine 10 running 3 inch to engine 8 until hydrant is found

Engine 8 operator advised unable to get engine 10 into pump mode
Yet again E10 with the famous pump failure

Tywon Cook it would have been a situation if that thing didn’t start working, good work to the pump operator for getting her going

Prince B Williams Sr. Finally started despite the issues?

Tywon Cook yea

They pumped into engine 8 thru a 3 inch supply

Crews are advising good fire knock, an engine 10 is working at this time.

Rescue 2 an engine 10 crew in the crawl space at this time advising an all clear, ladder 3 entering for a primary search battalion 1 arriving an assuming command

Engine 8 entering par 2 ladder 3 entering par 2 for primary, at this time fire is out. Rescue requesting fans at this time

Command assigned ladder 6 to assume RIT

Units: E008 E010 EMS2 M010 RSC2 BTN1 E003 L003 L006 SAF2 E006 M008

Interior to Command advises an all clear of the structure

Interior advises good amount of smoke on the 2nd division fans are needed

Rescue 2 advised all power has been secured

Crews have exited the structure

Rescue 2 crew operating on simplex all traffic thru rescue officer

And engine 10 has kicked its self out of pump gear at this time, operator restarting now

Engine 8 taking pumping operations

Ventilation complete

* fire out crews will be clearing soon, monitoring ended *

Courtesy Prince B. Williams & Tywon Cook, Hampton Roads Fire Rescue Incidents.

FYI: Address is a $2.5 million single family residence on the James River, owned by a leading orthopedic surgeon. No street view available, but here's a Google Earth shot . . .


And . . . current Engine 10 is notorious for not wanting to pump . . . don't know why they haven't trashed it yet . . .