Newport News VA Working Fire 6/16/24

Apr 1, 2007
1555: Newport News *Working fire* 563 Ayrshire Way. E11 stretching on a three story multi-family dwelling with heavy smoke and fire showing from the balcony.

E6 E9 E11
M9 M11
Working fire assignment:

Primary search in the fire apartment is clear

Report of 2 pets inside one of the first floor units

FM3 (Marshal) enroute

Interior crews reporting extreme heat on division three
L9 preparing to vent the roof

M9 reporting they have opened the skylights for ventilation

E11 reporting they still have a good amount of heat on division two. They are swapping bottles and going back in

R2 reporting primary search is clear on the first floor

Still have active fire on the 2nd floor balcony

R2 reporting primary search clear on division three
IC reporting flames from the base of the chimney

SFTY2 advising all companies to limit the amount of companies on the balcony due to fire damage

Interior crews asking for the roof to be opened up

IC requesting an additional Engine
E10 assigned

R2 reporting they have fire in between the 2nd and 3rd floor as well.
Need a crew to assist
R2 requesting the roof above the stairwell opened up

IC to L9 crew interior - cutting a hole in the roof momentarily.

1650: Under control

Text courtesy Bubba Ratcliff & Matthew Grubbs, Hampton Roads Fire Rescue Incidents.