8/26/2024 Brooklyn Hazmat Box 3535

May 25, 2022
Location: 2961 West 30th

Box after Initial, Acid Spill

E318, E245, E254
L166, T161
E250H, SQ1, HM1, HMB

SQ1 replacing E250?

1821 E318 - Transmit the Box, we have an acid spill and can you start out a Haztac Engine.
1824 BK - Box after Initial, Acid Spill.
1825 E250 - Address is 2961 West 30.
1827 E250 - Do we know what the acid is and how big it is?
1834 B43 - Substance is Muriatic Acid, no more then two gallons, Applying speedee dry.
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Location: 2961 West 30th

Box after Initial, Acid Spill

E318, E245, E254
L166, T161
E250H, SQ1, HM1, HMB

SQ1 replacing E250?

1821 E318 - Transmit the Box, we have an acid spill and can you start out a Haztac Engine.
1824 BK - Box after Initial, Acid Spill.
1825 E250 - Address is 2961 West 30.
1827 E250 - Do we know what the acid is and how big it is?
1834 B43 - Substance is Muriatic Acid, no more then two gallons, Applying speedee dry.
E250 was on scene and operating as the HMTU.

SQ1 was later special called.

garbage bags were leaking this muriatic acid onto the street at the curb.
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YMCA threw out pool chemicals in black bags. They started to smoke and 318 was called for a rubbish fire. After realizing what they had the box was transmitted.


Numerous bottles of acid and bottles of pool chemicals mixed together.

250 and HM-1 in CPC to separate different substances. They then placed in plastic bags and barrels.

Acid on ground neutralized and washed down.
Ignorant morons is about the only explanation as to why anyone would do something this dumb. Any person or animal who possibly came in contact with that garbage would have been in trouble. Hazmat is obviously prepared to handle this but not the public. I'm sure at least some of the containers were marked so learn how to f****** read! End of the rant.