11/5/24 Bronx All Hands Brush Box 3596

Jan 20, 2014
Fire Location: Van Courtlandt Park East 223 St & Jerome Ave

Multiple Calls Large Area of Brush

E-63 start out the Brush Fire Unit & Satellite Unit

E-97 w/ BFU 8 & E-72 w/ Sat. 2 assigned

Deegan & East 233rd St
E-97 w/ BFU 8s/c
E-72 w/ Sat. 2s/c
CTU s/c

E-63 let the units know its going to be north on the Deegan service road

E-63 there is brush fires on both sides of the Deegan. We are responding southbound

B-15 we have multiple fires up here. Send a BC & a Box to Van Courtlandt Park East and go in from there. We are going in at the Deegan and East 233rd St we are going in from there.

B-15 s/c the Drone Unit

Box 3968
Van Courtlandt Park East & Napier Ave
L-46,37,130 Act. 39s/c

B-15 Box 3596 Using All Hands. Don't require any special units or EMS. E-88, L-52 & B-19 assigned

B-15 redirect the BFU & SAT to the North Bound side

D-7 still making progress. DWH

B-27 s/c E-95 & E-93 with forestry hose as well as an additional Ladder to the North Bound Deegan at the Service Rd

D-7 Box 3596 south bound side AVFKD. North Bound B-27 is still working on a 200 X 200 size brush fire. DWH

D-7 Box 3596 AVFKD. Checking for hot spots. PWH

Engine 295 Act. Engine 96
Engine 312 Act. Engine 48
Engine 42 Act. Engine 52
Engine 82 Act. Engine 97
Engine 22 Act. Engine 82
Engine 50 Act. Engine 81
Engine 84 Act. Engine 75
Engine 35 Act. Engine 43
Ladder 130 Act. Ladder 39
Ladder 47 Act. Ladder 39
Ladder 29 Act. Ladder 37
Ladder 28 Act. Ladder 52
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Two questions.

1. Did the brush from yesterdays 2-2 reginite?
2. What is B15 referring to as a Box? Are they referring to EMS or?
E-63 & L-39 are operating Northbound with Indian Tanks to knocked down a Brush Fire 11/6/24 @07:55

Engine 90 Act. Engine 63
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It’s the same brush burning there is so many hot spots and tree stumps burning
One big problem with brush fires that alot of people don't realize is that when you had a well involved brush fire it starts to burn underground and gets roots and tree stumps going. Some of these fires don't pop up for a day or days. I saw that when I was working in California after a couple of the wildfires. Underground power wires, storm drains, and other stuff underground melt or burns. In Ventura County I got into an area 2 weeks after the fire was "put out" and I found a large tree stump smoldering and then burn. It's definitely not a knock on the firefighters involved, it's just the way it is. In some areas FD's stretch supply lines into the woods with gated Y's and leave them in burned out areas to be hooked up to for later pop up fires so they don't have to keep stretching lines.
Yes. Fire burns underground in the layers and layers of decomposing material, roots, fallen trees, etc… can’t do anything with. Actually good fuel like the peat they use for heat in the UK. Think like trying to put a dumpster fire full of cardboard and paper out. You can flood the thing to the top and as water drains out smoke starts rising, move some crap around with a hook and flames start right up.

Many times you won’t see any smoke but sweep a thermal imaging camera around and you’ll see all sorts of heat. Only a matter of time before it burns to surface and you get calls for smoke, bushes and grass burn or witness some trees burning from the inside out.
Just a general PITA

We need rain and a lot of it.