Yonkers, NY- 2nd Alarm 12-14-24


Mar 1, 2007
Date: 12-14-24
Time: 1745hrs
Location: 59 Maple St x Oak St
Description: Fire 2nd floor of a 4 story OMD

1745hrs- Numerous calls and a door knocker at Station 6.
E306, 303, 304, 312; L71, 74, Squad 11, R1, B1

1747hrs- E306 has fire apt. 2D.

1748hrs- B1 transmitting All Hands on Arrival
10-30: E310, L75, B2

1751hrs- B1 rpts heavy fire 2nd floor, #2 side of a 4-brick OMD

1756hrs- B1 transmitting 2nd Alarm
2nd Alarm: E309, L72

1759hrs- B1 req 2nd Alarm Co's to Maple x Oak and rpt to command post. YPD ESU req. EMS to Station 6.

1802hrs- B1 rpts fire on 2nd and 3rd floors K/D. Searches still underway. DWH.

1816hrs- B1 rpts fire is out. L-70 to Station 12. E308 to Station 1.
What is Yonkers staffing? Do they ride 4 FF/1Officer on engines and 5 FF/1 Officer on trucks?