12/27/24: Stonington, CT Working structure fire

Jul 14, 2007
The Stonington Borough Fire Department was dispatched to a reported structure at 23 Elm Street. The caller at 31 Elm Street reported hearing an explosion and seeing fire down the street. First arriving engine reported heavy smoke from a two car, one and a half story garage. It was first believed that a car was on fire. Mutual aid responded from Wequetequock and Pawcatuck. The fire was actually in a wood stove with extending to a rear wall and attic. Two lines were stretched and operated. Extensive overhaul was required.
Response: Stonington Borough - Engines T12 and T13, Ladder T15.
Engine T31
Pawcatuck - Engine T 42 and Tower Ladder T 45
Stonington PD
Stonington EMS