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  1. S

    4/4/24 Brooklyn All Hands Box 2541

    TL157 in Spare, FSD ? [Field Services Div. ?]
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    News of Members

    Outstanding ! Have a Fantastick Day, Chief. Happy, Happy Birthday! 😎
  3. S

    4/3/24 Brooklyn All Hands Box 0706

    PWH...DWH...PWH... :unsure:
  4. S

    3/31/24 Brooklyn 5th Alarm / 10-66 Box 0270

    I Hope My Comment Re; 214 was not taken as Criticism; It was more of a Question/Comment... I Agree ' FDNY Dispatchers are probably the busiest and most experienced in the entire country'. Rock On. 😎
  5. S

    FDNY Queens 5th Alarm Box 7254 - 12/20/2023

    Great Work, Excellent Production ! 😎
  6. S


    God Bless Those Who Serve; and Those Who Mourn.
  7. S

    3/31/24 Brooklyn 5th Alarm / 10-66 Box 0270

    Yeah... 214 was Assigned on 10-66, then Returned when 10-66 is Rescinded, then Not Assigned or even Relocated on subsequent Alarms :unsure:
  8. S

    4/1/24 Brooklyn All Hands Box 0929

    Nuthouse Stayin' Busy ! ;) Long-haul for 132 2*Truck
  9. S

    3/31/24 Brooklyn 5th Alarm / 10-66 Box 0270

    Great Job, (as usual), JJ, Thanks. 😎
  10. S

    3/31/24 Brooklyn 10-75 Box 2456

    Brooklyn Goin 'Nuckin' Futs' : WILLIAMSBURG 5TH; Flatbush 10-75; MVA Overturned (2) w/Pin Brooklyn Bridge All in same Time Period....Rescue 4 Started-out & Returned Twice. Bed-Stuy AH Earlier; Nuthouse (214/111) Runnin' & Workin' ;)
  11. S

    3/30/2024 News of Members 'Atlas' Ken F

    Visited W/Ken - He's doing fine, in good spirits. Great Visit - much Chat Re: NYC, FDNY, & Monday, he will be Transferring to *Oxford Veterans Home in Oxford, NY for Rehab & Recovery...
  12. S

    3/30/2024 News of Members 'Atlas' Ken F

    Thoughts and Prayers go out to Our Admin./Member Ken F. -- Recovering Nicely from Wednesday Surgery at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital here in Binghamton, NY. I just spoke to Ken ^ he seems to be in Good Spirits. Monday, he will be Transferring to *Oxford Veterans Home in Oxford, NY for Rehab &...
  13. S

    Cop shot in the 101.

    God Bless Those Who Serve; and Those Who Mourn. 😞
  14. S

    3/21/24 Brooklyn Brush Box 3063

    So...Eng.276 from E.14 St. & Kings Hwy. (Ave.P), went to 323 at E.64 & Ave N (Veteran's Ave.), to bring the BFU Back to E.36 & Ave. U ? :unsure: I Think 255 at Flatbush & Farragut (Rogers Ave.), or 257 (Farragut & Rockaway Pkwy.), (or Even 310 Snyder & E.52), would've been Better Choice to...
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    3/19/24 Brooklyn Collapse Box 790

    14:34 FC* Btn.37: 1 10-37 being Eval. by EMS 1 10-37 being Removed... (39Min.s) 'Parapet Partial Collapse w/ Subsequent Partial Scaffolding Collapse' Return L.116/RC4 *FC was In-area & Requested Assignment 14:46 FC: Div.15 Second Pt. has been Removed, in Care of...
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    3/7/24 Bronx All Hands Box 3632

    Tommyh&c: 'If 63 is giving a report 3 minutes after the box came over the air, then they probably weren't the 5th due engine' :unsure:
  17. S

    Monroe Township,NJ Former Cardboard Warehouse Fire 3/7/2024

    Fantastic Areial Vid. Factory Building 350 x Forever. Almost Completely Involved, No Water on Fire Anywhere, looks like 4 or 5 Co.s On-Scene. 😟...
  18. S

    3/5/24 Brooklyn All Hands Box 1077

    I had the same Problem Yesterday - seems to be o.k. Now, but it has been Dropping-out; I've had to Refresh it often to stay Current.
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    2/23/24 Manhattan All Hands Box 1688

    2* Alarm Box1647:
  20. S

    2/22/24 Valencia, Spain 14 Story Apartment Building Engulfed In Flames

    The Guardian: ' Experts said the block was covered with highly flammable cladding, possibly – along with high winds – accounting for the rapid spread of the fire, which broke out on the fourth floor at 5.30pm on Thursday and engulfed the building within 30 minutes.' 😟