Search results

  1. R

    7/5/23 Manhattan 10-75 Box 1677

    MD to L28 - Respond to box 1677 @2201 MD - Manhattan phone alarm box 1677, smoke on the 2nd floor @2202 MD to B16 - Getting 3&3 (L28 3rd truck) @2204 L34 - 10-75. Fire in the basement of the dwelling @2207 L45 FAST B16 - Using All Hands. 1 L/S/O. MBFKD. DWH @2212. Duration: 13 minutes...
  2. R

    An Introduction

    Welcome Sam. I'd suggest reading the "Frequently Asked Questions" thread in the FAQ forum.
  3. R

    6/24/2023 Bronx All Hands Box 2744

    Might want to check the date
  4. R

    6/20/23 Manhattan 3rd Alarm Box 0131

    Staging: E Broadway and Catherine St 3rd Alarm: B58 Air Recon (Cancelled, NYPD not flying) MSU Fire Marshall Supervisor?
  5. R

    6/20/23 Manhattan 3rd Alarm Box 0131

    4th fire in the last 2 hours...
  6. R

    6/12/23 Brooklyn 2nd Alarm Box 3030

    Car 9 on the 2nd
  7. R

    6/11/23 Bronx 5th Alarm Box 3071

    As of 0600, total number of companies assigned to this box (counting from the rundown provided by HC and Signal): 44 Engine Companies 36 Ladder Companies 26 BCs Plus countless relocations
  8. R

    6/5/23 Manhattan 2nd Alarm Box 1682

    FC, RB, SB, CTU, E72 got turned around by D6 @0047
  9. R

    RC Firefighters in action

    Pretty neat
  10. R

    6/1/23 Brooklyn 10-75 Box 1916

    BkD - Phone Alarm box 1916, reporting smoke 2nd floor @2135 E290 became available and assigned. 4 and 2 response B39 - 10-75 the box, extra E&T for window bars. @2138 L107 might have been 2nd due L103 assigned after 10-75, Extra T L120F B58 10-75 chief B39, D15 - *Unreadable* D15 - Under...
  11. R

    5/24/23 Bronx 10-77 Box 2139

    lol L83 lol. . rundown at 1am... Pretty sure I heard dispatch tell L30 to go 10-8. Not sure L28 made it
  12. R

    5/24/23 Bronx 10-77 Box 2139

    205 Alexander Ave BxD - Phone Alarm for 205 Alexander Ave, Fire 18F @0021 B14 - 10-75, Fire in Apt 18F. Attack Stair B @0031 B14 - 10-77 this box B14 - Water on the fire, mattress fire. return all units not 10-84 @0036 L30, E35, E69, RB, B12, B16, B26, L14, L23, FC, RM 10-8 D6 - Under...
  13. R

    5/20/23 Brooklyn All Hands Box 3239

    BkD - Telephone Alarm, reporting electric fire Apt 3F @2309 E254 - Give the 10-75 @2315 D8 - PWH @2335. Duration: 27 minutes D8 - Under Control. @2341. Duration: 33 minutes Some Relocations: E281 act E321 E241 act E246
  14. R

    5/20/23 Staten Island All Hands Box 4470

    They were relocations for E162/L82 per Signals post above
  15. R

    Rundown of units at 9-11

    I have seen articles (including NY times) that stated that the FDNY had the below companies on site between both 5th Alarms 112 Engine companies 58 Ladder companies all 5 Rescue companies 7 Squad companies 4 Marine Units + All the Battalion Chiefs, Division Chiefs (at least 2), Staff chiefs...
  16. R


    QD/L126 - Reports of children trapped in the attic. Sounds like work. @2254 QD - Phone Alarm Box 8807, 144-12 106 Ave, fire in a PD @2254 QD/L126 - Child trapped 3rd Fl E303 - Transmit the 10-75. Fire in a PD @2255 B51 - Transmit the All Hands. Extra E&T (E302, L133) @2258 B51 -...
  17. R

    5/12/23 Queens 10-75 Box 7543

    I don't think RAC4 was assigned as RAC1 went 10-8 from this box. Unless they assigned 2 RAC units?
  18. R

    5/12/23 Brooklyn AH/UC Box 2645

    Probably assigned, wasn't announced
  19. R

    5/12/23 Brooklyn AH/UC Box 2645

    7519 5th Ave BkD - Phone Alarm for a fire in a Dunkin Donuts @2232 L149 became available replaced L114 (continued in) BkD to B40 - Loaded up your box due to the volume of calls. B40 - Using 2x2 for a small fire in the entrance. All units not 10-84, continue in on a 10-20 @2240 B40 - For...
  20. R

    5/12/23 Queens 10-75 Box 7543

    QD - Phone Alarm smoke in apt C5 @2001 E312 became available and replaced E307 QD to B49 - Also report of smoke in B5 @2004 B49 - Transmit the 10-75. Fire in the walls on the 1st fl of a 4 story mixed occupancy. @2011 L163F B49 - Using All Hands. Fire in apt 1B. 2 L/S, 1 L/O. DWH...