Search results

  1. R

    2/29/24 Queens 2nd Alarm Box 37

    037 is LaGuardia. 269 is Kennedy. 302/155 are assigned to 269. It would be a little bit of a run for them
  2. R

    2/29/24 High Angle Box 715

    From Firewire FB page aprox 1900 Manhattan *HIGH ANGLE RESCUE* Box 0715 Empire State Bldg. 350 5th Ave. L-24 HAS A STUCK OCCUPIED ELEVATOR IN A BLIND SHAFT ABOUT THE 20TH FLOOR. REQUESTING RESCUE & SQUAD
  3. R

    2/29/24 Queens 2nd Alarm Box 37

    Was 316 hose wagon oos?
  4. R

    Pump Operations with hydrants on 48 inch water mains

    ISO and NFPA actually give you a choice. In most cases, the verbage is identical for most specs or requirements. Last time I looked it read either 2 10 foot lengths of hard suction or 1 20 foot length of soft supply line on engines. My dept did away with the hard suction years ago, since we...
  5. R

    New Rescues ?

    If I remember correctly, Rescue 6 was formed with a grant in 04 for at least 1 if not more political functions. They had the Spirit of Oklahoma which was donated after 911, so they used that rig so they didn't interfere with the day to day of the regular rescues. The only thing at the time 6...
  6. R

    Collapse Rescue

    When we speced an engine in 2005, and I'll never forget it, as we were in E-Ones office in Ocala at the time watching the Levees fail, we were told that the engine had to be ordered by a certain date, because of new emissions standards that were coming out. If we missed that date, the cost would...
  7. R

    2/21/2024 box 0179 semi vs bldg

    Per Firewire Fb page Aprox 2000 Brooklyn *CAR VS BLDG* Box 0179 259 Vandervoort Ave off Grand St TRACTOR TRAILER INTO POPEYE'S. NUMEROUS INJURIES & LEAKING SADDLE TANKS
  8. R

    Sterling (Loudon County), VA - House Fire w/ Multiple Maydays

    The tank was in a crawlspace below the house. Apparently it had been abandoned with some fuel left in it, and from what the investigators told us later, it had been capped on all of its orifices and abandoned, so when it heated up there was no where for the pressure to go.
  9. R

    New Seagraves

    I used the term stick on our aerial all the time. Used it interchangeably with aerial or ladder but mostly stick. I think and don't quote me on this the name goes back to when the aerials were made of wood. Seagrave makes a ladder called a Meanstick.
  10. R

    Sterling (Loudon County), VA - House Fire w/ Multiple Maydays

    I was an acting officer first due to house fire 1 night when an andonded 275 gallon oil tank failed and blew. We just pulled up and I was telling my ff with my back to the house, to pull a 2 1/2 when I heard a boom and saw the flash reflection on the side of the rig. Blew the house off its...
  11. R

    Sterling (Loudon County), VA - House Fire w/ Multiple Maydays

    E611, Tower 611 and all of E618 were un accounted for per Firewire. There listening to it.
  12. R

    LAFD firefighters hurt in CNG explosion - several critical

    I think Firehouse or The Secretlist has it. I'll see if I can find it. I do remember seeing fireground audio in the title
  13. R

    2/1/2024 Haz Mat Box 0915

    Aprox 850am From NYC Firewire FB page *HAZMAT* Box 0915 Port Richmond HS 85 St Josephs Ave GLYCOL LEAK ON THE 3RD & 4TH FLOORS. STUDENTS EVACUATED FROM 3RD & 4TH FLOORS
  14. R

    1/23/24 Unusual incident Box 8631

    Unfortunately Firewire doesn't list units on their site but I'd Hazzard a guess your right.
  15. R

    1/23/24 Unusual incident Box 8631

  16. R

    1/22/24 Queens 10-75 Box 1247

    Don't quote me on this but I think there manned by ot during certain weather windows. It's possible that it was manned and out doing hydrant checks when you saw it. I know when I was with WHB, I was at the firehouse one night and it stopped by for water since they were checking hydrants in the...
  17. R

    1/22/24 Queens 10-75 Box 1247

    Did 265 get another one or did they move it from 293?
  18. R

    1/22/24 Queens 10-75 Box 1247

    Thanjs i Forgot about them
  19. R

    1/22/24 Queens 10-75 Box 1247

    What's TA 265?