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    A face that matches the opinion
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    WTC 9-11 RELATED INFO. Chief Norman talks about 9/11
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    Mayor Adams to cut all NYC agencies by 5%

    I feel really bad for the people WHO DID NOT” vote for this
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    Hydraulic powered pump you submerge in rivers/bodies of water for drafting
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    9/4/23 Queens 5th Alarm Box 9302

    Sounded like what I heard
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    9/4/23 Queens 5th Alarm Box 9302

    Woah 😲
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    Groton, Ct 2nd Alarm Fire at Groton Submarine Base 9/1/23

    Went there as a kid with the Boy Scouts
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    LAD*135 PHOTO

    That’s the fire on the queens/Brooklyn border in bushwick. Few videos on YouTube floating around of that fire
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    8/20/23 Brooklyn 5th Alarm Box 325

    They must have been two pretty large jobs
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    Biden admin said NO, shockingly. Thank god. Very “carter-ish”
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    Pete Davidson Community Service

    Funny I how I talk about the occupation as a whole and you pick out particular people. The first and third aren’t but the one in the middle very well may be. If you want to take this to PM I’d be happy to have this conversation with you.
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    Pete Davidson Community Service

    Oddly enough it’s full of degenerates that are protected time and time again. That’s how that occupation has been since its inception.
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    Pete Davidson Community Service

    Correct we’re not talking about Someone in their “formative” years. Dudes a complete mess who will unfortunately not get to together anytime soon. We cannot forget he works in a severely degenerate occupation so the shoe fits.
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    Buffalo FD Shop Fire - Reserve Engine Damaged

    Well they at least can save the Q
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    Who knows. I’m sure somewhere in Manhattan
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    Hmmm, maybe it is. They just haven’t used it yet.
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    Nope, not yet, it was bought with federal money so they’re not really losing by not using it
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    They tested one already. Didn’t get the buy in it needed
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    EMS Stabbed

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    Roof ventilation with explosives

    Fdny used to have an explosive unit. Heard they had blown up a building as a fire break during a major conflagration way back in the day