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  1. T


    what about E83 & ladder 29
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    1 of those trucks would be around 1 million dollar so way cheaper then 2 full blocks of upgrades
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    New Rescues ?

    Would mean a squad has to tow around all its equipment all the time
  4. T

    New Rescues ?

    no i said if there is 9 new rigs maybe 5 doesn't get a spare (But thats speculation)
  5. T

    1/31/23 Manhattan All Hands Box 614

    what is 115VSU? what job does that intail
  6. T

    New Rescues ?

    well right now there is 5 (6 if the saulsbury is still around) spare rescue rigs that makes 10 i could understand 9 if Rescue 5 doesn't get a spare rig out of this deal
  7. T

    New Rescues ?

    would guess age there 2002 units
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    New Rescues ?

    always found it a spectacle how they backed that into the fire house
  9. T

    New Rescues ?

    283 but as earlier replied to my question thats also OOS
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    1/19/23 Manhattan Confined Space Box 1156

    yeah i know that haha
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    1/19/23 Manhattan Confined Space Box 1156

    E44 picked up the collapse for L25?
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    1/25/23 Queens All Hands Box 6593

    what is B-52's job at the hospital?
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    New Rescues ?

    it was 3 mack's and 2 of the trailers with freightliners right?!
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    New Rescues ?

    how many decons does FDNY have in service
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    New FDNY Tillers

    so i heard somewhere that HM1/Sq288 have jacks in the bottom as well
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    N.Y. - FD gets tailored blue pumper 1/6/2023

    honestly looking at how they typed it, its not going to be for the FDNY
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    New Haz Mat 1 Assembly Line Photos

    is there a reason why the last Hazmat 1 doesn't have pictures on
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    Temporary Relocations

    looking at google maps do they have a permanent cage across the street?
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    1992 Mack MR/Saulsbury Foam Tender 238

    1 of the reasons why most modern foam tankers have plastic tanks or use IBC's
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    traffic from the rock and Soc they have to cross bridges