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    Tech Advice #5 - Long Duration SCBA

    Hi Bob, Great the hear back from you. i always look forwrard to your replies especially given the wealth of knowledge and experience you are able to empart over such a long and decorated career in the service. It clear to see that you are very passionate and dedicated to the service of others...
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    Tech Advice #5 - Long Duration SCBA

    Hi Bob, Thank you for your response. I had a suspiscion that you may use rebreathers for special operations but wasn't sure if it was the case. It makes sense that you would use them in subways/tunnels and the like. That is probably one of the closest enviroments to and underground mine i would...
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    Tech Advice #5 - Long Duration SCBA

    Good evening Team, I had a question for all you FDNY Guru's out there. This is in relation to long duration SCBA. I was wondering what you use for long duration SCBA operations. i would imagine a standard BA cylinder would not suffice for highrise operations and i wondered what you use in that...
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    Technical Advice #4 - Arson Investigation

    Thank you friend. That was probably one of the best basic process breakdowns i have seen. As complex as the ignition may be, it always comes back to the fire triangle. Thank you for the explanation. Very much appreciated :) Jess
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    Technical Advice #4 - Arson Investigation

    Good monring from Australia team, The subject of my work today is a very very brief introduction to fire investigation. The title is probably not accurate as it doesn't need to be arson but even just investigation of ignition sources and how the fire then develops from surrounding material. I...
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    8/23/22 Brooklyn 3rd Alarm Box 241

    Oh wow, good to see they still retain a lot of that old history. Thank you for sharing that friend. Very much appreciated :) Jess
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    8/23/22 Brooklyn 3rd Alarm Box 241

    I see in a lot of these posting's' you guys refer to Box ####. i assume this is some sort of location or area? as its follow by a number/code. Can you guys explain how the Box reference works? i have not heard of that before?
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    Highrise Operations - Positive pressure???

    Thank you for your help friend. this is exactly what i was after. I really appreciate your reply and the information that you have provided. Thank you :) Jess
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    Highrise Operations - Positive pressure???

    Team, Just after a little help and advice on high rise building contruction. i have heard but i am not sure as this is not my area of expertise that there are certain safety features built into highrise buildings. Most notably stairwells. Are stairwells positive pressure? Meaning if you can get...
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    Technical Advice #3

    Good Evening Team, I was wondering if you often encounter BLEVE's and what your SOP is to manage? Do you engage the vessel and try to isolate? or is it insant evacuation for fire crews? or is this purely a call that the officer will make once on scene? In Australia we have loads of propane...
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    Technical Advice

    Hi Ron, Thank you for your reply. It appears as though the perculating hose were a fad that never took off from decades ago. This certainly does de-bunk the myth aussies have that Americans use them in building fires and the like. Not sure were it started but i'm glad to see that i'm getting...
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    Technical Advice #2

    I tried reposting, hopefully this works :)
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    Technical Advice #2

    Good morninig team, Another post this morning for advice from any veterans out there. The subject this morning is smoke reading. I was wondering what you are taught and what you have experienced in this area. We are generally taught Volume, Velocity, Density and Color are the main factors in...
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    Technical Advice

    Good morning Bob, Thank you for taking the time to reply to my post. I'm blown away that i have heard back from such a decorated and experienced veteran. i was suprised and interested by all of your comments. First of all the lithium response, this is a concept that our state fire service are...
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    Technical Advice

    Good morning Team, My name is Jesse and i operate an emergency services company in Perth, Western Australia.It is a private company that provide emergency services personnel, equipment and training to remote areas of the state mainly to mining operations. This includes fire fighter's...
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