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  1. seniorofficer

    1/14/2023 Queens 2nd Alarm Box 8558

    Normal FDNY arrival time is usually under 5 minutes from the initial call. E293 about 4 blocks away; 294/143 about 11 blocks east. Just from viewing, I would think there had to be an accelerant used for fire to be that advanced in arrival.
  2. seniorofficer

    1/16/23 Brooklyn All Hands Box 3225

    With flames coming up from the sidewalk, and that amount of fire on arrival, I would think that a flammable accelerant may havebeen used.
  3. seniorofficer

    1/15/2023 Queens 10-75 Box 9437

    Odd response. Would have presumed 324 as 3rd due unless they were unavailable
  4. seniorofficer

    10-18 Signal

    This "dropping down to an 18" creates a few problems. There are times when - any or all of the 2nd due units may arrive first, and the chief uses them.. The chief may use more than one truck to conduct an investigation. Now, the above message is transmitted without disclosing unit identities...
  5. seniorofficer

    1/1/23 Queens 10-75 Box 5036

    Would have thought that 317/165 would have also been on that ticket. Were they out? Even 315 is closer than 308.
  6. seniorofficer


    Order with the extended battery. i have three BF-F9's and they last about 4 days if on constantly, or all week when turned on and off. Programming is simple with a frequency chart, (Radioreference website) and installing "Chirp" into your computer. Also ditch the OEM antenna and go for a...
  7. seniorofficer


    Didn't Richardson officially retire? I still haven't heard where Sudnick is hanging out. Heard he was scheduled for surgery a few weeks back
  8. seniorofficer

    Chief Of EMS Lillian A Bonsignore

    Just change the words to the song slightly - Whatever Laura wants, Laura Gets :sneaky:
  9. seniorofficer


    Johnny, your "Break out the Banjoes" photo remindes me of a shot that Harvey Eisner once took - it may still be on E94's kitchen wall, but definitely in one of his albums. There was a ripping job in a vacant on Kelly & Intervale. At the end, the chief gave both companies an hour. As they were...
  10. seniorofficer


    I went nuts with that Sentinel software combined with the programming. Taking a break with a strong Irish coffee helped! What finally worked for me was to make each NYPD division a "Favorite" and each FDNY borough and the H/T freqs. a Favorite as well. Then, I just choose which favorites I...
  11. seniorofficer

    12/26/22 15,000 Post

    31,565 to be exact. Actually on one of the Rants, the ADMIN in his infinite wisdom a while back, came on the site in a really great mood (not) - and whacked everyone's post count back down to "0." With that, Jack lost about a 30,000 post count. In reality, all combined he would probably...
  12. seniorofficer

    12/23/2022 Staten Island All Hands Box 0458

    EMS Supv. reported one of the victims was 8 yrs. old in cardiac arrest. FDNY members were assisting CPR in the ambulance enroute to the hospital. Looks like Rescue 5 was the first truck on scene; about 5 blocks from their qtrs.
  13. seniorofficer

    12/3/22 Manhattan 5th Alarm Box 1595

    When Starfire was in service, the maximum alarms that could be transmitted was up to a 5th alarm. With the new dispatch platform now in operation, there is the capability to transmit up to a TENTH alarm, if so required.
  14. seniorofficer

    12/3/22 Manhattan 5th Alarm Box 1595

    If you count the engines and the S/C engines, there appears to be TWO engines above a SIXTH alarm. I wonder why the 6th wasn't transmitted by the Manhattan CO? This was before the PWH was transmitted.
  15. seniorofficer

    12/3/22 Manhattan 5th Alarm Box 1595

    One of the best appliances I've used in a cockloft was the Rockwood Cellar pipe. It was small, lightweight aluminum and easy to use - just make a triangle cut with the saw and attach to the hose line on the roof. The job in it's infinite wisdom decided to sell all (few hundred) of these for...
  16. seniorofficer

    11/27/22- Mystic, CT 5th Alarm

    Ritchie said they could have made quick work of that job with her seven monitors and that bow cannon, had there been a crew on board to start up the diesels. There's no marine engineer or other personnel on board 24/7. She could have once more been a maritime heroine.
  17. seniorofficer

    11/30/22 Queens 3rd Alarm Box 4204

    Have you checked the price of that breakfast lately? I'll get up earlier and eat at home first! :)
  18. seniorofficer

    11/30/22 Queens 10-75 Box 4063

    1. Gas readings in the street, plus in numerous surrrounding buildings. 2. Protect your resources'; use minimum personnel to locate the source, 3. Keep the balance of the assignment at a safe distance - just in case. Now, just imagine a catastrophic event takes place with all personnel...
  19. seniorofficer

    11/30/22 Queens 3rd Alarm Box 4204

    Original Citizens App video shows, prior to arrival of FD units, heavy fire and smoke condition from the roof. Meanwhile, people calmly standing in front of, and walking out of the Deli like they didn't know what was going on over their heads!
  20. seniorofficer

    Does the RAC make coffee?

    When you think of it, it's faster, cheaper and easier to make and transport than hot chocolate. All you need to go with it is a bucket of sugar packets and packets of Chemical Cow.