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  1. seniorofficer

    10/16/24 Brooklyn 10-75 Box 3606

    K9, or a dog occupant in the fire apartment??
  2. seniorofficer

    Eric Adams Indicted on Federal Corruption Charges

    Now that two FDNY Staff Chiefs have been implicated, when are they going to go after the then Fire Commissioner, Dan Nigro? MY guess is that Kavanaugh won't be touched since she's probably still heavily-hung in the Obama camp.
  3. seniorofficer

    10/5/24 Staten Island 2nd Alarm Box 4551

    Traveling EB on the SI Expy last night; the WB side looked like a vollie parade with all the apparatus and chiefs responding along with units coming over the bridge from Brooklyn. Is "Transmit the second on arrival" a new radio signal, and on arrival of whom? :D. I always thought that was a...
  4. seniorofficer

    10/3/24 Queens All Hands Box 6771

    South on Springfield to Union Tpke and they're in. 251 could have stretched from Qtrs..
  5. seniorofficer

    10/3/24 Queens All Hands Box 6771

    That's a hell of a long run for them. I would think that TL160 would be closer. Either way, E251 for years we've been saying should be a double house. The three closest trucks - 160, 162, 164 to their qtrs. is still a haul. If they are going to operate alone for a few critical minutes, I...
  6. seniorofficer

    Baltimore MD 6th Alarm 9/22/24

    By the looks of the occupancies, my money is on the Thai Wok as the origin. I know in Queens NY, 9/10 times when we got a taxpayer with an asian takeout within, that's usually the occupancy of origin - especially after midnight.. Two hydrants on that corner; one in front of that Bromo Seltzer...
  7. seniorofficer

    9/23/24 Brooklyn 10-75 Box 778

    sounds like DOITT did it
  8. seniorofficer


    Feehan held every rank from Probationary FF to Chief of Dept. before First Deputy Commissioner
  9. seniorofficer


    Did he have to submit his retirement papers first before accepting the position, or is it similar to taking a leave of absence without pay? And when the change of administration comes about, and a new commissioner picks his staff, I'm sure he can't revert back to his civil service position
  10. seniorofficer

    9/23/24 Queens 10-75 Box 6929

    Let's not forget that back then, the "MPO" had to double-clutch that manual transmission and no power brakes or p/.steering either. They earned their muscles!
  11. seniorofficer

    9/17/24 Queens All Hands Box 4631

    Why would it change? Still a straight run north on 154 to Clintonville back to 154 over the Cross Island. I guess that DIOTT crap mixed a lot of response areas; the neighborhood around E305/151 is a prime example.
  12. seniorofficer

    Monday in the Petrochemical Capitol of the World

    Two things don't make sense. The first is that whoever laid that pipeline didn't consider placing isolation valves - at least a mile apart in case of an emergency such as this; the second thing is the amount of gas that's still under pressure - 24 hours later. You would think that each...
  13. seniorofficer

    9/14/24 Queens All Hands Box 5754

    If that "garage" was only 10x10, it was either a shed or just big enough for a Yugo or a Smart car. I can remember when fully involved garages needed 1+2 at the most to extinguish.
  14. seniorofficer

    9/4/24 Bronx All Hands Box 2876

    I would have thought L48 would have been higher in the pecking order; and no E94?
  15. seniorofficer

    History of the Squad Co's?

    Its strange how, with all the 2400 boxes in the Bronx, 2418 and 2419 don't exist.
  16. seniorofficer

    8/26/24 Brooklyn 4th Alarm Box 1676

    Some good points, but realistically for row frames such as these, I would think it would be more prudent and efficient in this case to have a line on the top floor of the exposures and have the ceilings pulled to expose the fire in the cockloft, getting ahead of the fire.. No need to go...
  17. seniorofficer

    8/28/24 Queens 10-75 Box 3196

    I can remember 65 years ago, 2 men on the backstep and one in the hose bed were able to reload about 8 lengths of 3" hose. Now, it takes up to 2 DOZEN men to reload 6 lengths of 1 3/4" and 5 lengths of 2 1/2".....just sayin' :rolleyes: :ROFLMAO:
  18. seniorofficer

    8/22/24 Queens All Hands Box 7653

    I like how the jerk with the phone has no idea what he's videoing - and stands right in front of the person shooting this video - who could have easily stepped aside and got that guy out of the picture. Can't make this stuff up o_O:rolleyes:
  19. seniorofficer

    Fire Commissioner To Resign

    More like a BIG donor to the Democratic Party - and Eric Adams. This is a "thank you" position, nothing to do with ability to run the Dept..