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  1. seniorofficer

    3/7/23 Queens 5th Alarm Box 7810

    If these seven (7) engine companies and 3 trucks were requested after the request for a 5th alarm, that's the equivalent of a SEVENTH.
  2. seniorofficer

    3/3/23 Queens 10-75 Box 4461

    more buffs with phones on a stick than rats in the basement LOL
  3. seniorofficer

    2/26/23 Queens 10-75 Box 8300

    That had to be over 10 minutes for the 3rd due engine to arrive and then transmit the 10-75 - at least a 6 mile ride.
  4. seniorofficer

    2/17/23 Staten Island 4th Alarm 10-60/10-66 Box 3592

    Getting back to the subject of the thread title, does anyone have any updates on the two Brothers that were still in the hospital at the last report?
  5. seniorofficer

    2/21/23 Brooklyn 4th Alarm Box 235

    The topic of this thread is the 4th alarm in Brooklyn at box 235. This is not a place for people who conveniently block some of THEIR personal information regarding their location from others to see, to besmirch other posters here That's not why this site was created,.. Capttomo is from the...
  6. seniorofficer

    2/21/23 Brooklyn 4th Alarm Box 235

    Were there any indications that the 1 story was an open extension of the 3 story, or could the wall between have been illegally breached? The color and intensity of the smoke from the 3 story indicated a heavy fire load for a vacant building. Also saw a rescue medic wearing a hood and an SCBA...
  7. seniorofficer

    2/17/23 Staten Island 4th Alarm 10-60/10-66 Box 3592

    Years ago, I met two Brothers who were attending our Downstate Fire Academy. They were from a toown in the Albany area; and they said that was their department's procedure. You were promoted to (Lt.) nozzleman, and got to put the water wherever you wanted to.
  8. seniorofficer

    2/18/23 Queens 10-75 Box 9137

    The new computer program in conjunction with DOITT has screwed up a lot oof responses. L believe L.143 is 2nd sue at E.305's home box, but used to be L.125 which is physically closer.
  9. seniorofficer

    2/17/23 Staten Island 4th Alarm 10-60/10-66 Box 3592

    125 just went 10-8 in SI They must have taken Linden Blvd. to Ft Hamilton Pkwy. Probably faster than the Belt at 1500.
  10. seniorofficer

    2/17/23 Staten Island 4th Alarm 10-60/10-66 Box 3592

    Did anyone hear Car 1 announce their response?
  11. seniorofficer

    2/15/23 Queens 2nd Alarm Box 4468

    Going back about 65 years, I can remember at the conclusion of a major operation, usually in a 1 story commercial bldg., a watch line was established. This consisted of about 2 lengths of double cotton jacket 2/1/2" hose with a brass Elkhart controlling nozzle in front of the building...
  12. seniorofficer

    Old Marine Unit Docked in Manhattan

    This is the "Smith Class" of 106 ft. fireboats (along with [not shown] the Dr. Harry M.Archer, Senator Robert Wagner and the H.Silvia A.H.G. Wilkes) That last boat in the rear right is the John McKean.
  13. seniorofficer

    Old Marine Unit Docked in Manhattan

    Definitely not the Smith Class of boats, and the McKeon had a water tower similar to the one formerly on the original Firefighter. Also, if this is a recent photo, it couldn't be the Harvey either, since it was repainted in that hideous "camo" design. This is the Harvey today. (ugh!)
  14. seniorofficer

    1/25/23 Queens All Hands Box 6593

    If I heard there was 22 toddlers in a private house as an unlicensed day care, with an E-bike going inside AND an illegal dental lab operating in the basement, I'd take a ride over too. BTW FIVE 75's in eastern Queens within 2 hours - two were All Hands in schools. 2 in BN54, 3 in BN50., .
  15. seniorofficer

    1/25/23 Queens All Hands Box 6593

    Victim tracking for the Division report.
  16. seniorofficer

    1/25/23 Queens All Hands Box 6593

    Dispatcher 807 is getting his Baptism on the console today. Back-to back-to-back-to-back-to-Back jobs. Just now, PS154 on 75td Rd. now an All Hands. The Disp. coaching him has the patience of a saint! -
  17. seniorofficer

    10-18 Signal

    Unless there's a thread elsewhere on Marine Company response policy - I believe Marine units were staffed with "firefighting" personnel until the late 60's" Into the 70's, the only members on board were the wiper(s), marine engineer, Officer and pilot for obvious reasons to prepare for...
  18. seniorofficer

    1/20/23 Queens 2nd Alarm Box 7743

    the above video at the 22:40 minute mark shows a smoke condition at the left top floor front window. Within 1 minute, heavy fire is showing out that window and soon after the entire front set of windows. I don't know if there was another e-device present, but it appears to have the same...
  19. seniorofficer

    1/20/23 Queens 2nd Alarm Box 7743

    Is there really any such thing as a rekindle? I know the term has been used for decades, but more likely fire that was probably hidden in a void or hidden under debris. Interesting, since amateur video segments showed no fire and minimal smoke as the fire was placed under control, and a company...