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  1. seniorofficer

    11/25/22 Queens All Hands Box 9141

    Reportedly, there was a 10-45 that ultimately was a Code 1. I hope that report wasn't correct.
  2. seniorofficer

    "anytime baby" tomacat logo?

    T/L 58 had the logo on their boom in the late 70's
  3. seniorofficer

    11/22/22 Bronx 2nd Alarm Box 2562

    L.49 involved in accident with a civilian; requesting EMS for a lower leg injury.
  4. seniorofficer

    1-8-21...QNS SEVENTH ALARM 4464

  5. seniorofficer

    Chicago FD 135 Foot Rear Mount

    Bronto Skylift has been offering for a few years now a 112 meter aerial platform. That's about a 350 ft. reach.
  6. seniorofficer

    Staff Chief response

    Are you OTJ, and in what company?
  7. seniorofficer

    11/5/22 Manhattan 10-77 3rd Alarm Box 877

    Did Tom and Jack do that in two "consecutive" years, or were they just twice recipients - and this could possibly be another "first"?
  8. seniorofficer

    11/5/22 Manhattan 10-77 3rd Alarm Box 877

    "Impaled?" or was her arm hooked into the window gate? It's a good thing that gate was properly installed into the window frame or wall studs, or else she may have been in a body bag at ground level.
  9. seniorofficer

    10/30/22 Bronx 2nd Alarm Box 2821,-73.8503312,3a,75y,3.86h,89.46t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0Z91bmBih05J2zmacwEZEA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 The building in the photos (Norma's) is around the corner, 939 Castle Hill Ave. The brick PD i/f/o the hydrant is the fire building
  10. seniorofficer

    10/28/22 Bronx 2nd Alarm Box 2170

    I wonder if 60/17 and 83/29 were out at another box?
  11. seniorofficer

    Group change

    I always thought that group changes, especially involving Captains were made out of the necessity to have Captains available on any given tour to be available to be an Acting Battalion Chief; likewise for when Battalion chiefs are to be a Acting Deputy Chief for the tour. Some Firefighter...
  12. seniorofficer

    New Rearmount order

    That's because they are FDNY specs., not Ferrara or Seagrave's. Whoever builds them, they will look the same
  13. seniorofficer

    12/13/2015 Queens 2nd Alarm Box 9876

    If I remember correctly, 1 block north, L125, E315 were both 2nd due, unless DOITT changed responses.
  14. seniorofficer


    Is this a page from "Sentinal?" There's no Column heads if I wanted to copy any of these....I'm lost/
  15. seniorofficer

    10/5/22 Queens 2nd Alarm Box 9876

    Believe the assignment for that box is E298, 275, 315 L127, 125 0 and that's not a maybe. Been there enough tmes to know, unless companies were out on another box or DOITT in their infinte wisdom (insert sarcasm avatar) :rolleyes: changed the assignment. Building was 7 story commercial; now...
  16. seniorofficer


    re: SDS100: Radio reception is horrible in the area near Queens College in Flushing - for all 5 boroughs; Yet, NYPD which is only about 5-6 Hz below (their 470's compared to our 480's) comes in very clear. Just wondering why, and if an outdoor antenna will actually help.
  17. seniorofficer


    and if you live in one of the 5 boroughs, you'll get 1,000+ channels of everything else in at least a 10 mile radius, even CT. and NJ depending where you live.
  18. seniorofficer

    9/27/22 Queens 10-75 Box 5478

    Addtl. E/T 326/160, Fire 2nd & 3rd floors (attic)
  19. seniorofficer

    9/11 Tribute Video

    no problems here either.