Search results

  1. Q

    03/09/09 Queens second alarm Box 6296

    Queens 3/9/09 BOX 6296 Address: 214-19 18 AVE                           BELL BLVD - 215 ST FIRE IN A PRIVATE DWELLING 23:11 "Engine 316, transmit the 10-75 we have a heavy smoke condition." TL164 Fast truck BC53 Rescue 4 Sq. 288 DIV 14 23:18 hours Battalion 52: Second alarm progress report to...
  2. Q

    3/5/09 all hands 1307

    Anyone have any info on the Queens all hands 1307 this morining?
  3. Q

    3/4/09 Queens 10-75 5985 - Elec Wire fell on E311

    3/4/09 Phone alarm box 5985 - 145-15 220 ST between 145 AVE + 145 PL FIRE IN A PRIVATE DWELLING 1636 E311: 10-75 the box, 2 sty P.D.! E302 TL155is the FAST Truck Battalion 51 Rescue 4 Squad 270 Division 13 1643 hours: BC54 Using 2 and 2, have an electreical wire on fire from pole to house...
  4. Q


    Since 264 nd 328 are in the same house, does anyone know from what street to what streets are both their 1st due areas?
  5. Q

    2/12/09 5th alarm box 8582

    2/12/09 4th Alarm @ 1254 -- Box 8582 - 91-18 96 st between 91 Road and 91 Avenue. Fire  2 sty private dwelling. Div 13 req. add'l cockloft and an exposer. @1310 - Div 13 to Queens urgent...transmit the 5th ALARM...FIRE IN 91-1o, 91-12, 91-14, 91-16 AND 91-19 96 STREET...these are all...
  6. Q

    Engine 5

    Does anyone know Engine 5, on E14 St, their response area? How far North, South, and West is their  first due response area?  :)
  7. Q

    1/29/09 Queens All Hands Box 5270

    1601 - BOX 5270 - 107-21 121 ST between 109 AVE - 107 AVE FIRE ON THE # 2 FLOOR OF A PRIVATE DWELLING. @1606 - "L155 10-75 on 5270. 2 sty attached PD. Fire appears 2nd floor k." L143 FT CIDS: 107-21, PD STY 20X40 CLASS 4. WNDW BARS  # 1 FLOOR. 1612 - BC51 - All hands fire 2nd floor 2 sty...
  8. Q

    1/29/09 Queens All Hands Box 5030

    1525 Box 5030 - 91-11 172 St between Jamaica Ave and 91 Ave Structual Fire 1st floor E315 E303 E298 TL127 L125 (L133 replaced them--availivle) BC50 @1538 "127 to Queens urgent! 10-75 the box 2 1/2 story private dwelling with a peak roof. E275 L150 FT Rescue 4 Squad 270 BC54 Div 13 CIDS...
  9. Q

    Rockaway 10-75 12/28

    Does anyone have any info on a 10-75 in Far Rockaway Sunday Dec. 28? I think it was Box 1021.
  10. Q

    11/11/08 Queens All Hands Box 1321.

    E266 E265 E268 TL121 L137 BC47 BOX 1321 - 82-02 ROCKAWAY BEACH BLVD btwn BEACH 81 - BEACH 86 ST                 FIRE 6TH FLR OF A MD 2000 - TL121 - 10-75           ENGINE 266 WITH AN URGENT MESSAGE "E266 10-75 DA BOX" --10-75-- ENGINE 264 LADDER 134 FAST TRUCK RESCUE 4 SQUAD 270 BATTALION 39...
  11. Q

    11/6/08 Queens all hands box 8830.

    11:04 - BOX 8830 - 108-11 PINEGROVE ST - LAKEWOOD AVE + 109 AVE FIRE IN A PRIVATE DWELLING (MISSED RUNDOWN) BC51 - Getting 2 calls. Now getting a 3rd call, 4th engine, rescue and squad. Ladder 126 to Queens urgent! 10-75 fire in a 2 1/2 story private dwelling. L133FT BC54 10-70 Transmitted...
  12. Q


    What is PMP and AED training?
  13. Q


    Does anyone have a picture of the FDNY EMS MDT's?
  14. Q

    Queens 8/14/08 All hands 9367 - rpt people trapped.

    08/14/08 - Queens. 1427 - BOX 9367 - 35-31 98 ST - 35 AVE - 37 AVE Box filled out to Batt 49  because of numerous calls. "10-75 the box, private house, smoke from the house with people trapped 2nd floor". TL163 s/c extra truck for reports 2 children trapped in Attic. L129 Fat Truck BC46Div 14...
  15. Q

    08/08/08 Queens All hands Box 6068.

    1510 Batt 51 - 10-75 BOX 6068 - 124-01 LIBERTY AVE, off 124 St. Fire in a commercial building TL155 Fast Truck Sq 288 Rescue 4 (Sq 270 is second due) Batt 51: All hands 1 L/S/O ,fire in a 2sty commercial, 20X60 1-street, 2-similar, 3-unkn, 4-1 sty similar Trucks opening up, looking for...
  16. Q

    Queens 6/20/08 TRAUMA

    6/20/08 - about 1500 hrs. Queens - Far Rockaway. EMS TRAUMA BOX 1052 - 14-01 WHEATLEY ST btwn AUGASTINA AVE - BRUNSWICK AVE E328 L150 act. L134 AIDED 6 Y/O CHILD FELL FROM BALCONY. E328 "put a rush on the bus, we have a severe head injury"       47A is responding       47A request ALS -...
  17. Q

    Queens All hands Box 8531

    1708 - BOX 8531 - 78-30 88 AVE , off 88 ST Woodhaven Queens E293 E294 E236 L143 TL142 BC39 FIRE PRIVATE DWELLING Getting several calls and also a call poss. person trapped, unkn floor. E285 SQ270 RS04 1710 - E293 10-75 the box, fire second floor PD           TL107 FT, Batt 51 1717 - Div 13...
  18. Q


    What is the purpose of a CFRD engine assigned to 10-77's?
  19. Q


    PoweR out in Rockaways -- 1300 HOURS numerous CLASS 3, Occ stuck elevators. Relocat : BC51 TO BC47 ...Bat 47 will stage @ E268 TAC 2, and other relocations for staging
  20. Q

    6/7/08 Manhattan Second Alarm Box 721

    PHONE ALARM BOX 721 - 148 E35 ST x 3 AVE - LEXINGTON AVE FIRE 1ST FLOOR MULTIPLE DWELLING 1624 - Batt 8 , Engine 1 , second source fire 1st floor, smoke in the area, smoke from a window           and smoke from the roof. TL7 - 10-75         E65, L2 FAST Truck , Bat 6, Rescue 1, Squad 18 1627...