Search results

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    Housewatch Journals

    Thanks. I knew FDNY requests companies keep their company journals for 20 years. But I was more interested in the journals from 20-25 years back (pre-9/11), rather than ones from 50-100 years ago. Would it be up to individual companies to decide what to do with them once they are no longer...
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    Housewatch Journals

    What happens to old FDNY housewatch journals? Are they archived somewhere? If so, where?
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    What does a typical FDNY Battalion Staff consist of

    Yes, thanks, that does help. Would anyone know how much interaction there is between a LCC (ladder chauffeur) and the incident Battalion Chief?
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    What does a typical FDNY Battalion Staff consist of

    What does a typical FDNY Battalion Staff consist of? How many battalion chiefs? How many aides? How many fire officers (not including chiefs)? When is a battalion chief called to an incident? At a building fire what is the relationship between the incident battalion chief and a truck and/...
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    What is the cabin of a fire truck called

    Got it. Thanks. How about the following scenario: Ladder Fireman Bill's 3-year-old son Mickey is visiting the firehouse. Fireman Bill wants to show him where he works including what the inside of his truck looks like. So Fireman Bill lifts little Mickey up and puts him into "the back of the...
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    What is the cabin of a fire truck called

    Would any of you say, as scoobyd suggested, the firemen jumped into the back of the truck (meaning the crew cab)? Also, if you were to put something into the back of a Ladder fire truck, where exactly would you be putting it? Or would you ever say something like "put it in the back of the...
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    What is the cabin of a fire truck called

    This is probably going to sound like a really dumb question but what is that part of a fire truck (or fire engine) called where the firefighters sit while heading out (or coming back from) a run? The chauffeur and fire officer sit in the front cab of the truck (or engine) but where do the...
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    Any more examples of FDNY firehouse dogs that go on runs with the guys? Especially from the 1990s and early 2000s, love to hear anything you got. This is Nick the formerly abandoned pit bull adopted by the Newburgh, NY fire company, who goes on runs with the guys:
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    Do firehouse dogs ever go on runs with their firehouse humans? Any examples?
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    Who were the Best FDNY SCUBA Divers pre-9/11 late 1990s?

    Agreed. Can you think of any Rescue or Squad scuba divers who also dove as a hobby or as a way to make extra money on the side? late 1990s (2000, pre-9/11 2001).
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    Who were the Best FDNY SCUBA Divers pre-9/11 late 1990s?

    For example, for the 1980s and early 1990s Rescue 1's lead scuba diver Paul "The Duck" Hashagen would be on the list. But what about for the 1990s (2000. 2001 prior to 9/11)? Any names?
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    Who were the Best FDNY SCUBA Divers pre-9/11 late 1990s?

    Thanks. I know that FDNY/ SOC used internal department Scuba instructors to train fire rescue and squad members. Can anyone come up with any names of these instructors from the 1990s (2000, 2001 prior to 9/11). These would have been active fire rescue and squad members who knew scuba diving...
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    Who were the Best FDNY SCUBA Divers pre-9/11 late 1990s?

    Who were the Best FDNY SCUBA Divers pre-9/11 late 1990s? Can anyone suggest any names?
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    bunker gear or turn-out gear. what do nyc firefighters call their PPE? or is it 6 of one, half dozen of the other (ie., basically both are used interchangeably).
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    What apparatus is rolling out of Rescue 1 in this youtube clip dated June 2001

    Was this true pre-9/11 (1990s) as well? Just subtracting the 1985 build for FDNY fire rescue trucks from the new 1996 build I get 11 years.
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    What apparatus is rolling out of Rescue 1 in this youtube clip dated June 2001

    68jk09 -- It was a 2-part question and I much appreciate replies to both parts, first to the identity of the rig in the video clip and second to rescue rigs that could mount inflatable boats on the roof of the box. You said that "using eye bolts the Zodiac Boat tie down points were added to...
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    What apparatus is rolling out of Rescue 1 in this youtube clip dated June 2001

    Many thanks for the quick response 68jk09. I agree that the apparatus in the June 2001 video clip above is a 1982 American LaFrance/ Saulsbury truck (with boat mount on roof) but the FDNY paint job/ decal graphics don't match this model of a R2 1982 American LaFrance as seen in 1988...
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    What apparatus is rolling out of Rescue 1 in this youtube clip dated June 2001

    I'm researching pre-9/11 FDNY fire rescue trucks but can't identify the following truck with boat mounted on the top exiting from Rescue 1 on June 10, 2001. Can somebody list all the apparatus with boat mount capability from 2001 (fire rescue trucks, special rescue unit trucks including TCU...