Search results

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    Keysville, Va. Commercial Structure Fire Dec. 12, 2019

    The Ace Hardware and Building Supply on Railroad Avenue in Keysville, Va. burned at 4 A. M. on Dec. 12, 2019. The structure was fully involved. The Keysville FD was assisted by fire companies from Lunenburg, Charlotte and Prince Edward counties.
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    Cumberland County, Virginia Working Fire Sept. 21, 2019

    Cumberland FD and the Randolph District FD responded to 241 Putney Road when a computer room / laundry room caught fire  at 1638 hours with a heavy smoke condition throughout the structure. One resident was transported by EMS to the hospital.
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    3 die in Buckingham County, Va. Structure Fire Sept. 16, 2019

    At 0559 hours on Monday September 16, 2019 a triple fatality structure fire broke out on James Anderson Highway in Buckingham County, Va. The Va. State Police are investigating.
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    Cumberland County, Virginia Structure Fire Sept. 12, 2019

    Crews from the Cumberland FD, Randolph District FD and Powhatan Co. 3 were dispatched at 0531 hours for a structure fire at 61 Northfield Rd. Cumberland, Va. Fire coming from a garage beneath the house extended into two bedrooms as floor joists and floor deck were burned through. No fire...
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    Cumberland County, Virginia Fire Station on fire August 7, 2019

    At 1758 hours on August 7, 2019 the fire chief of the Randolph District FD happened to be in the bays working on of of the fire engines when he turned around smoke was pouring out of our Dodge Caravan utility vehicle. Being alone with one arm injured from a recent fire he pulled out an engine...
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    Cumberland County, Virginia Working Fire

    July 23, 2019 Working fire in progress at 1520 hours on Cartersville Road. Dillwyn FD, Cartersville FD and Cumberland FD responded.
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    Retired FDNY member passes

    Retired FDNY member John C. Skelly age 78 passed away on July 12, 2019. He resided in Cumberland County, Va. which is near Farmville, Va. He always had great fire stories of "The War Years" in NYC. He came to all the events and was a great supporter of the Randolph District FD. He will be missed.
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    Buckingham County, Va. Structure Fire July 19, 2019

    Seven fire companies battled a fire starting in a basement of a residence at 2267 Belle Branch Road Dillwyn, Va. The extreme ambient heat was taxing on firefighters. The structure was a 1/2 mile off a paved road and a tanker shuttle was established. Buckingham County send all four fire...
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    Cumberland County, Virginia Structure Fire July 7, 2019

    A lightning storm caused a large 100 X 55 agricultural processing structure to ignite in flames last night at about 1900 hours at 8 Asal Road. The building located on an Amish farm was just completed with timber sawn from trees on the farm. The structure was totally involved upon the arrival of...
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    Cumberland County, Virginia structure fire June 21, 2019

    Cumberland FD and the Randolph District FD responded to a 2 story structure fire at 1638 hours. It was fully involved as were 2 vehicles and a shed. Cumberland FD responded with one engine and 2 tankers and the Randolph District FD responded with one tanker, one pumper tanker, one brush truck...
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    Cumberland County, Va. Structure Fire March 15, 2019

    The Cumberland FD, Randolph District FD with assistance from Powhatan County fought a working structure fire just after noon at 460 Cartersville Road. The fire ripped through 2 rooms with heat damage throughout. Fire also extended to a pickup truck parked outside.
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    Cumberland County, Virginia structure fire September 1, 2018

    Due to lightning striking a residence at 29 Lyle Road Cumberland, Va. the home began filling with smoke as fire burned beneath the living space. The Cumberland FD was dispatched and at 1836 hours the Randolph District FD and the Powhatan Company 3 were added to the assignment. Fire was under...
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    Cumberland County, Virginia Working Fire

    On Friday June 1, 2018 the Cumberland FD with mutual aid assistance from Powhatan Co. 3 were called to a garage fire along with several vehicles involved at about 0830 hours on Old Buckingham Road.
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    Cumberland County, Virginia Structure Fire March 9, 2018

    Three fire companies battled a well involved structure fire at 0800 hrs. this AM. The fire occurred on Duncan Store Road in the Cartersville section of Cumberland County. The Cartersville FD, Cumberland FD and mutual aid from Goochland County Virginia responded to this fire.
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    Cumberland County, Virginia structure fire , Noreaster March 2 - 3, 2018

    Cumberland County, Va. fire units spent 2 very busy days answering numerous calls ranging from vehicle accidents, brush fires, wires and trees down and a working structure fire along with a high wind driven brush fires. The structure fire at 55 Deer Run Lane totally destroyed the residence...
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    Cumberland County, Virginia Haz Mat Incident February 9, 2018

    At 1056 hours on Feb. 9, 2018 the Randolph District FD and Farmville FD were dispatched to the 2400 block of Cumberland Rd. for a propane delivery truck which had overturned and crashed into a tree. The driver amazingly walked away from the wreck and a passenger suffered cuts and bruises as the...
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    Cumberland County, Virginia structure fire January 30, 2018

    Shortly before 0530 hours on Tuesday Jan. 30, 2018 units from Cumberland FD responded to a structure fire at 3 Stoney Point Mill Lane. They had flames showing and requested assistance from Cartersville FD and Powhatan Co. 3. Units were on the scene for more than 3 hours.
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    Cumberland County, Virginia structure fire January 20, 2017

    The Farmville FD made an nice stop on a fire shortly after 0530 hours involving electrical wiring in a bathroom wall under very difficult conditions. Smoke was showing from the roof line of a structure at 116 Advoset Drive which was at the top of a very steep hill ice and snow covered hill...
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    Cumberland County, Virginia Structure Fire Jan. 12, 2018

    Cumberland County Virginia Fire Units responded to their 5th working fire in the last 2 weeks along with assistance from the Farmville FD. The latest fire was at 1509 River road at 2315 hours and one person perished in that blaze. Apparatus remained on the scene until 0600 hours on Jan. 13th. as...
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    Cumberland County, Virginia structure fire January 7, 2018

    Cumberland County, Virginia has had 3 working structure fires in the last 48 hours. The latest one was up in the Cartersville section and the firefighters logged about 8 hours of fire duty in extremely frigid conditions. Hot spots have continued to flare up today on Jan. 8th.