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  1. B

    Cumberland County, Virginia structure fire January 6, 2018

    A late afternoon structural fire ripped through a residence on Deep Run Road in Cumberland County, Va. Units from Cumberland FD, Cartersville FD and Powhatan County Company 5 battled the blaze.
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    Cumberland County, Virginia structure fire

    Four companies responded to a late afternoon structure fire at 44 Randolph Terrace in Cumberland County Virginia on January 5, 2018. The fire started when a resident used a torch under the structure to thaw frozen water pipes. The Randolph District FD was 1st due with assistance from the...
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    Dec. 28, 2017 Buckingham County, Va. Structure Fire

    A fire ripped throughout a large one story residential structure at 337 Clay Bank Road in Buckingham County, Va. Luckily every one escaped the fire. Four fire departments extinguished the blaze in frigid weather. The Dillwyn FD, Arvonia FD from Buckingham County along with the Cumberland FD and...
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    Cumberland County, Virginia structure fire - March 6, 2017

    Shortly before noon on Monday the Cumberland Virginia FD assisted by Macon Co. 3 (Powhatan County) responded to a structure fire in a one story residential dwelling leaving 5 persons homeless on Carter Road. The fire was under control in about 1/2 hour and units were on scene for about two and...
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    Cumberland County, Va. Structure Fire

    The Cumberland FD and the Randolph District FD responded at 1319 hours to a structure fire at 125 Agee Lane in a one story frame occupied private dwelling. Three rooms were involved in fire and fire was knocked down by an aggressive interior attack before it spread to the bedrooms. There were no...
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    The Bridgeport Shuffle

    I just want to add a little BFD history. The John Street Firehouse was 2 stories with a peaked roof with Engine 1's two Macks side by side in the main bay. Then there was a one story bay addition on the B side of that structure which had a horse drawn steamer pump less the horses sitting in the...
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    Bridgeport, Ct. Truck 12

    Bridgeport Truck 12 was closed in 1991 as a result of the city undergoing financial problems. At that time the other 5 ladder companies were staffed with an officer and 5 firefighters minimum and 6 firefighters maximum. Yes in 1987 Bridgeport was running 7 on a ladder company and 5 on an engine...
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    Bridgeport, Ct. Truck 12

    That fire in the vacant school was Franklin School  on Nichols Street right along side of I 95. Waltersville School was on Stuben Street at Pembroke. The fire in the theater was on East Main Street 1/2 block from the corner of Nichols St. and hydrant spacing in Bridgeport is nothing like NYC...
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    Bridgeport, Ct. Truck 12

    Bridgeport, Ct. had 6 ladder companies back in the 1970's. Three were combo companies before 1970. Those three combo companies        ( Ladder 10,11,12) ran with Mack city service trucks of about 1938 vintage. In 1970 Ladder 11 was expanded into a full truck company with 6 people and Ladder 10...
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    Cumberland County, Virginia structure fire

    The Randolph District FD along with assistance from the Farmville FD and Cumberland FD responded to a fire in an occupied residence recently at 1876 Cumberland Road. A passerby noticed flames coming through the truss roof of the house and he beat on the front door just after 1 AM waking up the...
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    Bridgeport, Ct. retired fire lieutenant Phil Reeves passing

    Phil Reeves who recently retired from the Bridgeport, Ct. FD passed away from cancer on Feb. 7, 2017. He also served two tours in Iraq as a medivac helicopter pilot. He is the person standing in the photo. A 2nd photo shows Bridgeport Rescue 5 B shift in 2008  with Engineer Phil Reeves RIP, FF...