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  1. R

    11/30/2021 Brooklyn----Water Rescue---Box 3585?, 7:45am-8:05am.

    PD reported a man jumped off the Steeplechase Pier. Unclear if victim swam on his own power to nearest set of rocks to the east of the pier and was rescued by the units off the rocks, or if members went into the water to get him. Victim apparently survived---but needed ALS?
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    09/01/2021 Brooklyn Box :3608 "ALL HANDS"

    317 Brighton Beach Ave. 10-75 @10:48pm. 10-75 2-story Commercial, 2LS ALL HANDS@10:53pm. Water on Fire 10:56pm, Still Doubtful. AVFKD@10:58pm...
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    06/27/21 Brooklyn. Box 3616. AH+, 6:15AM.

    126 Neptune Ave., Brighton 10th. St. 2 Story MD., window bars, fire in basement 3 LS, using 2 166,174 Extras
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    06/18/21 (Hit and Run-Car Jacking) Brooklyn >>>on Surf Ave. & W.15th. About 10:20pm.

    At least two people struck/injured, including a baby. Victims to Lutheran Hospital. Now says going to CIH for the baby(10:36pm) and other victim still going to LH. Apparently involved two vehicles, the one still on scene apparently contained the victims? ----- So victims...
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    06/12/21 Brooklyn (non-fire incident) about 11am. Box 1631

    I believe that B.38 handled this incident in which a woman and two children jumped from a second floor fire escape------but there was no fire involved. All patients were removed to Brookdale Hospital.
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    5/23/2021 BROOKLYN Box 3586 "Water Rescue?" West 15th and Water. 4:15pm.

    Mother reports two daughters lost or drowned. L161, L166 Total 4 members in water. 1 Police Diver. Girl 7 found on land OK! 10 year old still missing as of 4:40pm. Rescue 5 going in water too now 4:46pm. Second girl found OK too now near Stillwell Bathroom!. 4:48pm...
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    5/13/2021 Brooklyn Box 3438--2 Alarms

    Warbasse Houses Power Plant, West 6th St, near Belt Parkway. about 9:05am. Fire in water tank. Heavy black smoke. This plant supplies power for 5, 24-Story buildings, including the one an hour ago. It was wiped out by Hurricane Sandy in 2012 and rebuilt internally. Darkening down by...
  8. R

    10/21/2020 7:55pm BROOKLYN Box 3586 Steeplechase Pier, "Water Rescue"

    Report of a person (possible female suicide) hanging from the pier. L.161 designated as water rescue. Marine 3, Res. 5 Special units cancelled at 8:02pm. PD have taken the female off the outside of the pier. She never was in water.
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    10/20/20 Power Surge@8:07am., Flurry of AutoAlarms, Con Ed Sub in B.40 Area?

    Power fluctuation caused many Automatic Alarms to trigger at about 8:07am.
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    6/27/20 Brooklyn "Water Rescue" orignally Box 3563

    about 10:35am--10:50am Given as West 12 and the water, but actually at Brighton 2nd. and the water with the victim already on shore getting CPR. All special units were cancelled E. 246 remained on scene.
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    6/11/20 Brooklyn '1077' Box 3687 2780 West 5th. St., 6:28pm.

    Fire in hallway on 17th. floor. Warbasse Houses, 24-story building. Mostly a smoke condition Water on fire 6:35pm, Visible fire knocked down 6:42pm 1 10-45 Code 3 smoke inhalation. Div. 8 PWH 6:51pm. 10-41 Code 1 6:53pm. Div 8 UC at 7:13pm, DoB 45mins.
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    PD already has 30,000 of the radios and is intending to shut off the analog system, Radio Zone by Radio Zone this year. nCV19 only interrupted their plan, so we have a little more time. The Press will be cut out too under this plan. Not sure if this topic already exists. If so...
  13. R

    6/9/20 Brooklyn "Water Rescue" Box 3621 about 5:30pm

    Brighton 14th. St. and water. Person already rescued by Parks Dept. B.43 made it a 10-31 at 5:45pm.
  14. R

    5/12/20 Box 3580? Ocean Parkway and Beach "Water Rescue" 3:45pm.

    Sounds like a drowning.    Person out of water and under CPR.    Police to escort to Coney Island Hospital.      Ambulance rolling to CIH at 4:24pm.    At CIH by 4:26pm.
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    3/24/2020 Box 3542 10-77 W. 21st. ST. & Mermaid to Surf Ave. @5:53am.

    Fire in Apt. 7F      Two 10-45, no codes. Fire out by about 6:15am.      Venting Stairway B and multiple floors.
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    JUST AN UPDATE TO BOX 1541, 1 YEAR AGO, FEB. 25, 2019, 180 EAST 18TH (twice) Link to our coverage:,56187.0.html
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    12/29/2019 Brooklyn Box 3565 West 8th. St./Surf Ave. 10-77 3:17pm.

    20-story Building    This is across the street from me.    The building is known as Building #5/Luna Park Houses.  Each building has four wings and there four separate addresses.      I believe apt.  8L above fire floor had to be forced. Fire in apt.  7L      2-Lines In Use.    Attack...