Search results

  1. 1261Truckie

    How is Mack

    It has been some time since I’ve seen Mack on this site. Has anyone heard from him recently and does anyone know how he’s doing?
  2. 1261Truckie

    Tornadoes in Porter, Texas

    Does anyone have any information about the tornadoes that struck Porter, Texas? From the news reports I have seen out here (Pacific Northwest) it appears the was damage in the Porter Heights area of Porter. I also saw New Caney's Station 154 was severely damaged. Thanks, in advance, for any info
  3. 1261Truckie

    YouTube video "FDNY Compilation 3" Music

    Is anyone familiar with the subject video? Do you know what instrumental music was used for the first part of the video? Thanks.
  4. 1261Truckie

    Boonton, NJ 12/16/23 3rd Alarm
  5. 1261Truckie


    Today was the 65th Anniversary of the tragic fire in Chicago at Our Lady of Angels School. May those lost that day continue to Rest in Eternal Peace. May those who responded to the fire, and are no longer with us, also continue to Rest in Peace as well as family members who have passed on. May...
  6. 1261Truckie


    From another site: "Rest in Peace Monsignor. Thank you for all of the love and support that you gave to us over all of these years. We will miss you." May he Rest in Peace. May his family, friends and those he touched be comforted.
  7. 1261Truckie

    SOC Support Trucks

    Who are the current SOC Support Tru cks? Is there any plan to reduce or increase their numbers and roles?
  8. 1261Truckie


    From another site: "1.3 With regret, the Department announces the death of retired Lieutenant Edward N. Beck appointed April 16, 1956, retired June 20, 1992, formerly of L-132, residing in Seminole, FL, which occurred on June 30, 2023." Ed was one of the seated chauffeurs in 132 when I started...
  9. 1261Truckie


    Happy Easter to all members and their families.
  10. 1261Truckie


    20 years ago, Gary Staley, a Firefighter with the Porter (TX) Fire Department was killed in the Line of Duty. Gary was a fine young man. He was a father, son, brother, uncle and friend. He was taken way too soon. May Gary continue to Rest in Peace. May his family and friends continue to to feel...
  11. 1261Truckie

    New FDNY Tillers

    On another site, it was observed that FDNY will be acquiring 5 new tillers to replace existing rearmounts. Has anyone here heard anything along these lines?
  12. 1261Truckie

    September 11th - 9/11/2022

    I can’t believe it’s been 21 years. Continued Rest In Peace to those lost that terrible day. Rest In Peace to those we have lost since then. The Lord’s continuing comfort for their families both at home and on the job. May we never forget!
  13. 1261Truckie

    Last Night's (8/11/22) Gettin' Salty Podcast

    Great show last night with two former members of "The Eye Of The Storm", Frank A and Hank M. Good stories, good memories and great lessons from the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's. Real old school and hard nosed. Thanks to all involved.
  14. 1261Truckie

    New Chief of Rescue Operations

    From another site Per D.O. 70 2.3 DESIGNATION Effective 0900 hours, July 2, 2022, the following member is designated as indicated. Battalion Chief Joseph R. Downey From Rescue Operations Battalion To Chief of Rescue Operations CONGRATULATIONS CHIEF !!!!!!!
  15. 1261Truckie

    World Trade Center 1993

    From another site: "February 26, 1993. First Trade Center bombing. Never forget." Continued Rest in Peace to those lost that day. Continued thoughts and prayers to those who responded to this event and those who were impacted by it. May we Never Forget.
  16. 1261Truckie

    Retired SFAD Henny Dingman

    From another site: "If you knew Henny Dingman, you couldn’t help but smile when you spoke his name or heard him come up in a conversation. One of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet in life. Always smiling. A great man gone way too soon. Rest easy my friend." May he Rest in Peace and may his...
  17. 1261Truckie

    Monsignor John Delendick

    From another site: Monsignor John has recently been diagnosed with an advanced stage of an aggressive cancer. He needs us all to keep him in our prayers. He is in my thoughts and prayers
  18. 1261Truckie

    October 17, 1966

    On the 55th Anniversary of the 23rd Street Fire may those lost that night continue to Rest in Peace. May their families at home and on the job continue to find comfort. May we Never Forget.
  19. 1261Truckie

    MIRT Unit

    A friend asked me for some information about this unit and I wasn't able to provide any. Can you please let me know: it's mission/purpose; what equipment it carries; what type of incident it responds to (yeah I know, marine incidents); where it is quartered; etc. I would be much obliged. Thanks...
  20. 1261Truckie

    National Geographic Rescue 3

    Does anyone know where I might be able to get a DVD of the National Geographic Rescue 3 video. My VHS tape copy is about to give up the ghost. Thanks, in advance 1261truckie (aka Jim Boyle)