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  1. jbendick

    Happy New Year

    The site administrators and the Bendick family wish everyone happy and safe 2025. Continue to pray for our Military and First Responders. May Godbless america.
  2. jbendick

    Happy Veterans Day

    Happy Veterans Day to all that served especially those on this site. Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans.
  3. jbendick


    On this date in 1968 I was appointed to the FDNY. I was still in the army while completing all requirements. A month after discharge I was in the academy. I had a great career but was forced to retire after 37 yrs due to medical reasons. Our son Tommie has the same anniversary date 35 yrs later...
  4. jbendick

    Grayson Bendick and Commissioner

    The youngest member was privileged to take a picture with the new Commissioner on his first day. Congratulations Commissioner and God Bless you from the members of click on picture for full view.
  5. jbendick

    Happy Birthday tbendick

    Happy Birthday to our son Thomas. We are extremely proud of all that you have accomplished as a firefighter, husband and super dad. He is the founder and designer of this amazing site. HAPPY BIRTHDAY THOMAS!!!!
  6. jbendick

    Memorial Day 2023

    Today the most solemn of days, we remember all those who made the supreme sacrifice. I remember those of the 19h Engineers who gave their all. As a Vietnam Veteran of the !9th Engineers I honor the 105 from Vietnam who made the ultimate sacrifice. May they all Rest in God's hands. God Bless...
  7. jbendick

    Deadly Weather

    This week a large portion of the country has been devastated by deadly storms. Our prays go out for those souls that have been lost . Lets not forget those suffering physical and mental pain. Many of our members live in these areas. Please let everybody know of your status. Being a member of...
  8. jbendick

    Very 1st tour,

    On Oct. 28, 1968 I worked my very 1st tour in Eng. 96 in the Bronx. According to the Book of Rules and Regulations ( Dept, Bible), Proby's are to wear their uniform to work. This was the start of several miscues. After checking the rig and tools, I was put on Assistant House Watch. 96...
  9. jbendick

    Our FDNY Company Assignments - Proby Class 1985

    54 years ago today we were released from proby school to go to our assigned companies. Mine was Engine 96. This class included myself, Jack Kleehaas, and Tom Kuefner along with over 240 others.
  10. jbendick

    Merry Christmas

    On behalf of I hope everyone had a safe and Merry Christmas. We hope the rest of your holiday season continues to bring joy and happiness.
  11. jbendick

    10/30/2021 Notice

    With these difficult times upon us, I just wanted to take a moment and remind everyone. There are no political opinions or discussions on this site. There will be no back and forth between members. This site has worked because of the respect between all members on here. Thank you to all those...
  12. jbendick

    50 years

                                                50 years ago                                            I wrote this last year being the procrastinator that I am. I put this aside till now. Having talked to  Chief Jack ?68JK09? and a few members of our Proby Class That it was the start of a...
  13. jbendick

    War years / The Soldiers

        With almost a 60 year relationship with the fire service, I have seen a lot. I began first going to fires with the Civil Defense in Yonkers, and then spent 37 years with the FDNY and  in some of the best companies ( E 96, Sq. 2, E 75, Bn 19, E 75, Lt E 68 and Capt. E 23) on the job. During...
  14. jbendick

    my buff years

                                              My Early Buff Years. My early buff years were spent going to fires in Yonkers N.Y. It all started for me when I was  old enough to join the Civil Defense. In Yonkers we had a Civil Defense Rescue Squad, organized during the 1950?s. This was at the...
  15. jbendick

    Site Rules

    Due to a recent issue, the owner and administrator of this site, in order to keep in good graces and to avoid any controversy, feel it is necessary to repost a few simple rules. We may add some things to this in the future if needed. 1) No reporting of any LODDs, member names, or companies...
  16. jbendick

    A blast from the past!

    Sorry for the delay. As I promise here is the name of the war year members from Squad 2 and Engine 73. La Casa Caca From left to right (1) Eddie Keating Sq.2 ret. Capt.(Dec). (2) (LT) John M. O'Hagan Eng. 73 Ret. as a Staff Chief (dec). (3) Capt George Orhline ? Sq. 2 ret. as Capt. (dec). (4)...
  17. jbendick

    Engine 75 Mattress Fire 70's

  18. jbendick

    Rapid Water Ad

    Ad from Rapid Water