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  1. J

    9/9/24 Mutual Aid to NJ

    I'm going by what the FDNY training guys did, what they tested and reported, what they drilled us on. What I did to keep my guys safe. I don't know what gear this guy is wearing. Don't really care to be honest.
  2. J

    9/9/24 Mutual Aid to NJ

    Bunker gear w/o life preserver has a ridiculously short time to stay afloat. The SCBA might provide some air for a while, but they're SCBA's, not SCUBA's. And that's if the facepiece is on when you fall in. When we went to a boat/pier, depending on our due, I'd have maybe 2 guys geared up in...
  3. J

    8/26/24 Brooklyn 4th Alarm Box 1676

    I'm assuming the IR is from a drone? Pretty good, and much better than 2 guys in a helicopter.
  4. J

    7/19/24 Staten Island 2nd Alarm Box 0262
  5. J

    5/28/24 Brooklyn 10-77 Box 3540

    When you have a covering boss heading to the lobby, it's good to have some guys with time to stop him and explain there's no stairs, and you have to find an arbitrary door on the exterior to access the stairs
  6. J

    5/28/24 Brooklyn 10-77 Box 3540

    Not 100%, because this was compiled decades before I got on, but Hartnett sounds right. Not to take away from Glynn - a great chief and great commander. This was handdrawn in the 70's or 80's. A good resource, but you need to reeeeally be familiar with the buildings, and then the book itself...