Search results

  1. 1

    Hartford, CT - 2nd Alarm - 3/31/2015

    Hartford, CT struck 2 Alarms for heavy fire in a 3 story brick, occupied multiple family dwelling on the night of March 31, 2015. Here's a direct link to my image gallery:
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    Glastonbury, CT - 2nd Alarm - 2/23/2015

    Glastonbury, CT struck 2 Alarms last evening for a heavily involved 2-1/2 story woodframe dwelling. Check out my scene image gallery here:
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    Passaic, NJ - 3rd Alarm - 1/10/15

    Passaic had a 3rd Alarm @ 386 Lafayette St. on the afternoon of 1/10/15.  Fire was in a 2-1/2 story wood frame O/M/D.  M/A from several surrounding cities to the scene. Here are MY shots: Here's some more...
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    4th of July in Detroit

    -Shots of Detroit, MI fire duty this 4th of July weekend: &
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    Hartford, CT - 2nd Alarm - 1/20/2014

    CITY:  Hartford, CT ADDRESS:  39 Capen St. DATE/TIME:  1/20/2014 @ approx. 18:15 DESCRIPTION:  Fire in the attic/cockloft of a (2) story woodframe O/M/D.
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    Elizabeth, NJ - 4 Alarms - 1/26/2013

    LOCATION:  Elizabeth, NJ. ADDRESS:  350 Irvington Ave. DESCRIPTION:  Heavy fire on all floors of a (5) brick; numerous L/S/O; M/A from Newark & Linden.
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    Hartford, CT - Working Fire - 11/19/2012

    From around 20:45 on 11/19/2012... LOCATION:  Hartford, CT ADDRESS:  46 Allen Pl. DESCRIPTION:  Large 3 story brick O/M/D with an apartment fire in an unit on the #3 floor, "B" side.  Companies also reported extension to nearby unit(s).  Multiple L/S/O, with the fire called "Under Control" in...
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    New Britain, CT - 2nd Alarm - 11/17/2012

    From around 04:30 on 11/172012: LOCATION:  New Britain, CT ADDRESS:  38 Winthrop St. DESCRIPTION:  3 story woodframe O/M/D with heavy fire on floors 2, 3 & through the roof. ASSIGNMENT:  All New Britain companies operating on scene; M/A from Hartford & West Hartford covering New Britain stations.
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    HARTFORD, CT - Working Fire - 10/14/2012

    Hartford, CT Date/Time:  10/14/2012 @ approximately 22:15. Address:  1146 Broad St. Size-up:  3 story brick, vacant multiple occupancy with fire on all floors.  Exterior attack commenced with numerous L/S/O.  (1) M/O/S transported for unspecified injurie(s).  Incident held to a "Working Fire"...
  10. 1

    CFD Snorkel Squads

    Also - As I've become more interested in the apparatus of the CFD, I had a couple more questions: 1)  Has Chicago decided to finally "streamline" its engine and truck fleet?  (I'm referring to the exclusive use of Spartan chassis' and Crimson bodies).  I know for as long as I can remember...
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    CFD Snorkel Squads

    Why is Chicago still so hung up on keeping using snorkels? (We know they were technically the first to operate them; but its now 2012 - and as was previously mentioned, there are multiple other aerial devices which respond to a fire).  Every photo I've seen a snorkel operating at has been with...
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    FDNY E-52 / L-52

    Was just curious to learn more about "B-52" in the Riverdale section of Da Bronx. Following fires in this borough, I NEVER see either Engine or Ladder 52 running on any boxes (or even relocations). I have driven through Riverdale a couple times and see it's rather upscale with plenty of posh...
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    Your FAVORITE classic NYC firehouse?

    E-55 in SoHo looks like it must be one of the older houses as well, no?  8)
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    Your FAVORITE classic NYC firehouse?

    For the "storefront" firehouses - the ones wedged between many other tall structures on a tight side street, does anybody know how most of these were built?  Did most of them exist first (before surrounding buildings were put up), or vise-versa?  Were any of these stations originally something...
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    Your FAVORITE classic NYC firehouse?

    If they have an elevator, I'm assuming E-4 / L-15 must have at least one as well? Talk about an unusual firehouse being located within the base of a huge hi-rise!  Does anybody know what is housed above them?
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    Your FAVORITE classic NYC firehouse?

    Yes - from the street it looks like a pretty tall firehouse.  That balcony on the front is absolutely beautiful though.  A real architectural marvel.  Plus the cobblestone street just enhances the historic charm.
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    Your FAVORITE classic NYC firehouse?

    Well said.  I'm certain that these classic houses have many stories to tell, on top of all the past members who have served the city (and those lost on 9/11).
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    Your FAVORITE classic NYC firehouse?

    OK, I looked but didn't see anything similar in the archives.  :D
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    Your FAVORITE classic NYC firehouse?

    Here's a pretty open-ended question - and I'm certain there are many different opinions out there.  I'm looking for some fun feedback. Q: What's your FAVORITE classic NYC firehouse? Many houses throughout the 5 boroughs have some beautiful architecture and really draw one back to the old days...
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    Busiest and slowest areas for fire duty?

    As a buff from CT, I'm just curious what the busiest and slowest general areas of the 5 boroughs are for fire duty presently?  (Answers could be sub-divided into each borough if that makes responses easier).  This feedback would be helpful in deciding which areas to "bum" around in the next time...