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    RET CAPTAIN JAMES LEE - L142 Appt 4/61 ..
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    On The Platform

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    Staff Chief response

    I have a question. I know that staff chiefs are assigned on a rotating bases for citywide coverage after hours, etc. But where do they respond from? Are they quartered in with a company some where or do they respond from Metrotech, home, etc. ?
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    FDNY: Frequently Asked Questions

    I have a question. I know that staff chiefs are assigned on a rotating bases for citywide coverage after hours, etc. But where do they respond from? Are they quartered in with a company some where or do they respond from Metrotech, home, etc. ?
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    1/9/22 Bronx 5th Alarm 10-77 Box 3162

    This is the report that DC Dunn conducted in 1987
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    What apparatus is rolling out of Rescue 1 in this youtube clip dated June 2001

    The rig seen in the video is in fact the old Rescue 2 - 1982 American Lafrance/ Salsbury. The rig was modified by the shops and a Mack Cab was added to the rescue box. It was a spare Rescue rig and then finished its career as the Rescue collapse 2. Photo credit to Michael Martinelli.
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    2020 Runs & Workers are online.
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    The getting salty guys did a great podcast last night with Johnny Gage !