Search results

  1. SB233

    5/1/24 Brooklyn 5th Alarm Box 0835

    L111 was in front of the building, as was 124, L120 was set up on the 3/4 side. 111 and 124 were both supplied flowing water early into the operation, as was the blitzfire. The deck gun was being utilized as well. I think the point was more that “large caliber streams” were being used early on...
  2. SB233

    5/1/24 Brooklyn 5th Alarm Box 0835

    The blitzfire was put into operation at this, and relatively quickly as one was on scene with Squad 252, the second due engine. 2 Tower Ladders were in place within 10 minutes, with no issue given the placement of 176 on the corner and 112 up Bushwick Ave toward Schaefer St. along with the deck...
  3. SB233

    3/31/24 Brooklyn 5th Alarm / 10-66 Box 0270

    Can this thread be locked by an Admin? This nonsense back and forth about what a dispatcher can and cannot do has absolutely nothing to do with this job that is now 5 days in the past. Enough already
  4. SB233

    Ugly/Not Ugly

    It was 100+ person promotion, the only members on the fire side being promoted were Captains and Battalion Chiefs, all of whom were already promoted in February. She is a friend of the new chaplain who was being APPOINTED to department chaplain. The job seems to have lost the ability to...
  5. SB233

    1/20/24 Brooklyn 10-77 Box 1671

    Or basically a 2nd job for almost all of the companies involved….
  6. SB233

    7/31/23 Brooklyn 10-75 Box 889

    233 OOS company medicals
  7. SB233

    7/26/23 Brooklyn All Hands Box 1671

    231, 290, 233 L120,L176 R2 Batt 44
  8. SB233

    12/31/22 Brooklyn 2nd Alarm Box 1784

    E237 act. E233 L3 act. L176
  9. SB233

    NYC workers Anti-Mandate March

    Please support your city workers who worked the ENTIRETY of the pandemic with limited PPE and no vaccine who are now on the verge of or have already lost income for wanting the RIGHT TO CHOOSE
  10. SB233

    3/31/21 Staten Island 5th Alarm Box 1150

    Metro Lube is housed there, motor oil
  11. SB233

    NYE 2021...First Job?

    37 Batt. Halsey Bushwick to Broadway
  12. SB233


    The 9/11 Memorial and Museum should also be flooded with phone calls and emails about both the reading of the names and Tribute in Light. If not for the T2T Foundation, no commemoration would be taking place this year. Disgraceful