Search results

  1. FraRoma

    Run Ticket

    I hope I'm in the right section of the forum. could someone post a picture of a "ticket" for a run. I know in NYC when the alarm rings, in addition to the voice and the description on the monitor, a small piece of paper is also printed with some info about the run. I’m big fan of FDNY...
  2. FraRoma

    Milan, Italy massive fire in 20 story residential high-rise.

    At this high rise fire responding 5 ladder (3 of 100ft,1 of 137ft and one of 165 ft) with 3 crew FF , 12 engine with 5 or 6 crew FF, 2 water tender plus a lot of special unit like mask service unit, cbrn unit, high angle rescue unit (massive responding for our standard). There were problems at...
  3. FraRoma

    Real meaning of ALL HANDS

    I’m not sure i understand the real meaning of ALL HANDS. I believed that’s like a 10-75, but i’m pretty sure this is wrong. Thank you guys!
  4. FraRoma

    New Tillers

    Hi, I’m new, I’m from Italy. A quick question for you. Where can I find the FDNY bid? Have you got a link? Thank you guys!