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  1. E

    9/10/24 Manhattan 10-24 Box 0610

    Does Engine 5 get a fifth firefighter very often?
  2. E

    Braintree MA cuts

    Yes, it works, thanks! Here‘s the Massachusetts Fire Mobilization Plan. It gets into task forces.
  3. E

    Braintree MA cuts

    As stated above, the accepted standard for mutual aid availability is, what I heard it referred to as the 1/3 rule. It’s not a mandate and hopefully everyone plays nice. If a department has 9 engines & 3 ladders, then 3 engines and 1 ladder could be used for mutual aid. What is good about their...
  4. E

    Braintree MA cuts

    I believe they encourage 4 persons per piece but will accept 3 persons per piece.
  5. E

    4/23/24 Brooklyn 4th Alarm Box 2865

    Did they do away with the one week battalion aid course?
  6. E

    Stop pretending you have a fire department.

    I agree with what you wrote. Automatic aid/line responses to a reported fire are very helpful. A county run department may be able to avoid duplication of resources, more standardized training, and better overall organization. However, the fact remains that many parts of this country are all...
  7. E

    3/31/24 Brooklyn 5th Alarm / 10-66 Box 0270

    That’s a perfect explanation! I don’t believe FDNY has AVL active in dispatch; hence you hear the dispatchers asking units their exact location. When and if it’s ever incorporated into the system then adjustments will have to be made to dispatching procedures with the example you gave above...
  8. E

    3/31/24 Brooklyn 5th Alarm / 10-66 Box 0270

    Hang in there JA290. It’s times like this that I am happy to be retired. There are chiefs on the fire ground, chiefs (bosses) in your office, and administrators who all give directions and issue policies and procedures. Then there are many “chiefs” with ideas and opinions. It’s like being a...
  9. E

    3/31/24 Brooklyn 5th Alarm / 10-66 Box 0270

    The whole “who should respond to a call?” will come to a rest once AVL is installed on the apparatus. Then dispatchers will be able to see the exact location of units. Of course to integrate that into any dispatch system is not as easy as it may seem. A lot of technology to have it seamlessly...
  10. E

    3/31/24 Brooklyn 5th Alarm / 10-66 Box 0270

    Good for you! It’s time to call out these blatant statements. Being a retired dispatcher I know how difficult it can be. Many moving parts to manage at once. The reasonable second guessing is endless. Put all that together and then add in totally ignorant people and it’s maddening!
  11. E

    3/31/24 Brooklyn 5th Alarm / 10-66 Box 0270

    Really ignorant statement! Do you really believe the dispatchers just assign who they wish? Do you think the FDNY as a whole would allow dispatchers to just do that? That’s like saying the members make up their own assignments; ie: the roofman decides to go to the first due engine and take the...
  12. E

    10-75 Signal Revision

    aren’t there a total of 4 ladders? 6 times 4 = 24. Not 36. What am I missing?
  13. E

    10-75 Signal Revision

    Perhaps I said that wrong. Only 1 Special Call engine but no limit on Special Call ladders.
  14. E

    10-75 Signal Revision

    On a side note, I believe the total manpower on a 10-75/All-Hands will be 68 members.
  15. E

    10-75 Signal Revision

    Thanks, I figured that was the case. I assume they will still be able to Special Call as many ladders as needed on the All Hands.
  16. E

    10-75 Signal Revision

    I’ve been following your replies. I am not clear on one thing, as for your understanding. A 10-75 signal will get 5 & 3. Will they still be able to get the 1 extra engine before striking the 2nd alarm?
  17. E

    Pump Operations with hydrants on 48 inch water mains

    I am familiar with everything you speak of. I remember doing all those evolutions in pump school! I will admit that it would take a lot more brainpower than I have to remember how to do it and pull it off!
  18. E

    PANYNJ LaGuardia ARFF Battalion Chief

    Agreed, that looks like a lot to handle! I’m surprised no specific minimal educational requirement such as a bachelor’s degree. I wonder if they have someone in mind who is a real crackerjack but not a college degree?
  19. E

    Detroit/Highland Park Dustup

    I used to listen to DFD. They would dispatch Hamtramck, Highland Park & Detroit to structure fires together. Maybe something changed. It comes down to perception. Whether Detroit, New York, or anywhere else, common sense has to be used when a city/town picks up from a border box. It just...
  20. E

    Hand-held vacuums with lithium batteries

    Thank you for this thread! After reading this I checked my lithium-ion batteries. My vacuum and my drill have UL approved chargers and batteries. The chargers for my leaf blower, weed whacker, and hedge trimmer are UL approved, HOWEVER, the batteries for them are not! All three are from well...