03/09/09 Queens second alarm Box 6296

Feb 3, 2008
Queens 3/9/09

BOX 6296 Address: 214-19 18 AVE
                          BELL BLVD - 215 ST

23:11 "Engine 316, transmit the 10-75 we have a heavy smoke condition."
TL164 Fast truck
Rescue 4
Sq. 288
DIV 14

23:18 hours
Battalion 52: Second alarm progress report to follow.
BC50 Saftey
Saftey battalion / rescue battalion
Field Comm 1
E324/ST 04

23:18 hours
BC52: 3 sty non fire proof 1 is a street, 2 is a simular attached, 3 is a rear yard, 4 is a street. Fire
2nd floor, fire doubtful at this time. 20X40.

DIV 14: Probably will hold, searches are underway. Retuen all special units not on scene. Return the Field Comm.

BC46 and BC50 10-8.

DIV 14: Primary searches throuhout are negative.

DIV 14: At second alarm box 6296, secondary searches are complete and negative, fires under control.


Box  6296

address:  214? 19  18th  Ave.  x  Bell  Blvd.

6296  @  23:07

Engs.  306,  320,  295

Lad.  167,  T. Lad.  144

Batt.  52

10 ? 75 ? 6296  @  23:11

TowerLadder  164  is  designated  as  the  ?FAST?  Truck

Eng.  313

Rescue Co.  #4

Squad  Co.  #288

Batt.  53

Division  14

2nd  Alarm:

2 ? 2 ? 6296  @  23:20

Engs.  274,  326,  273,  299

T. Lad.  160,  Lad.  129

Eng.  324  w /  Satellite  4

Batt.  50  ?Safety  Officer?

Batt.  46  ?Resource  Unit  Leader?

Rescue  Battalion  /  Safety  Battalion

Fieldcom  1  /  Tactical  Support  Unit #1

Fire  Building:

3  Story  Brick  20 x 40  O.M.D.

Surrounding  Properties:

Exp. #1:  Is  a  Street

Exp. #2:  Is  a  Similar  Type  attach

Exp. #3:  Is  a  Rear  Yard

Exp. #4:  Is  a  Street

@  23:21

Batt.  52  reports:    Box  6296,    We  have  a  fire  on  the  2nd  floor.    Fire  in  the  walls  with 

extensions  into  the  attic.    We  have  a  heavy  smoke  conditions.    Trucks  are  ?Opening  Up?

@  23:28

Division  14:    Box  6296,    Searches  are  underway.    Return  all  Special  Units  not  on  scene.

Fire  is  Probably  Will  Hold.

@  23:39

Division  14:    Box  6296,    Primary  Searches  thru  out  are  complete  and  negative.

@  23:52

Division  14:    Box  6296,  Secondary  Searches  thru  out  are  negative.    Fire  is  UnderControl.

(  Job  Duration:  45  mins.  )

I believe that was E316. The division said he got the second alarm companies on his MDT so he didnt need a rundown. So, I couldn't get the second alarm units...how did you get them?
QUEENS1985 said:
I believe that was E316. The division said he got the second alarm companies on his MDT so he didnt need a rundown. So, I couldn't get the second alarm units...how did you get them?
From Ex_chief84 at FDNYing website. ;)