08/08/08 Queens All hands Box 6068.

Feb 3, 2008
1510 Batt 51 - 10-75 BOX 6068 - 124-01 LIBERTY AVE, off 124 St.
Fire in a commercial building

TL155 Fast Truck
Sq 288
Rescue 4
(Sq 270 is second due)

Batt 51: All hands 1 L/S/O ,fire in a 2sty commercial, 20X60
1-street, 2-similar, 3-unkn, 4-1 sty similar
Trucks opening up, looking for extention.

1525 - Div 13 - Change dimension's to 60X60, all visible fire extinguished, pri. search throughout negative, still doubtful.
          Duration 19 minutes.

1536 Div 13 - We have a smoke condition in 3 stores, truck opening  up, secondaries i progress, dwh - dur 21 min

1538 Div 13 - pwh.  duration

1545 Div 13 - Fire undercontrol - dur 41 min.
Richmond Hill, Queens, NY, 8/08/08

Address: 124-01 Liberty Ave off of 124 St

15:05 hours
Phone Box 6068 - Report of smoke in a commercial building
E308, Squad 270
Battalion 51

10-75-6068 - 15:10 hours
Battalion 51: We're going to use the address 124-01 Liberty Ave, we have a fire in a commercial store.
Engs. 303, 285
L143, L173*
TL155 is the FAST truck
Battalion 50
Rescue 4
Division 13
Squad 288
(*L173 was nearby and requested a ticket, assigned in)

15:11 hours
Engs. 303, 285, L143 delayed due to BI.

7-5-6068 - 15:14 hours
BC51: We're going to use All-Hands, we have 1 line stretched in operation, we have fire in the 2nd floor storage shed of a  20x60 2 story commercial.  Trucks are opening up, searches are underway, fire is Doubtful

Exposures are:
1 - street
2 - similar
3 - unknown
4 - 1-story commercial

15:23 hours - Duration 19 minutes
DC13: Box 6068, we're going to change the dimensions to 60x60.  All visible fire has been extinguished, primary searches are negative.  Fire is  Doubtful.

Fire building Height/Size-up:
60x60 2 story commercial occupancy

15:36 hours
DC13: We have a smoke condition in 3 stores, we're using the fans to try to alleviate the situation.

15:38 hours - Duration 34 minutes
DC13: We're going to go Probably Will Hold
Rescue 4 is 10-8, reassigned to Box 7676

15:43 hours
Fire Marshal is responding

15:44 hours - Duration 40 minutes
DC13: Fire is Under Control

15:51 hours
DC13: Secondaries throughout are negative.