Port Richmond, Staten Island, NY, 1/12/10
Address: 68 Bond St @ Cottage Place
Phone Box 718 - Report of smoke from a PD
Engs. 157, 156, 163
L80, TL79
Battalion 22
10-75-718 - 23:24 hours
E157: 10-75 the Box, we've got heavy smoke from a 2 stroy PD!
L83 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 21
Rescue 5
Squad 1
Division 8
7-5-718 - 23:24 hours
Battalion 22: 718, can you start out an additional engine and truck on this box, I'll get back to you with a size-up, going to use All-Hands on Arrival.
E166, TL86 S/C
E159 w/ Satellite 5
23:27 hours - Duration 6 minutes
BC22: Fire, looks like the 1st floor right now. 2 1/2 story PD. Trucks are opening up, we have 1 handline stretched, going into operation, searches are in progress, fire's Doubtful at this time.
Exposures are:
1 - street
2 - similar detached
3 - rear yard
4 - similar detached
23:31 hours - Duration 10 minutes
BC22: The address is 68 Bond St. We've got 2 handlines stretched in operation, searches will be delayed due to a Collyer's Mansion condition.
23:33 hours
E245 is relocating to E163
23:34 hours - Duration 13 minutes
Division 8: Box 718, primaries on the 1st and 2nd floor are negative. We've got 2 lines stretched, 2 in operation. Fire is Doubtful at this time.
23:35 hours
Battalion 40 is relocating to Battalion 22
23:39 hours
E330 is relocating to E157
23:42 hours - Duration 21 minutes
DC8: Box 718, primaries throughout are negative
23:43 hours
L82 is 10-8 in L83's response area
23:43 hours - Duration 22 minutes
DC8: At Box 718, Probably Will Hold. 10-2 the Squad.
23:50 hours - Duration 29 minutes
DC8: Box 718, place this fire Under Control. Secondaries are delayed due to Collyer's condition.
23:56 hours
L81 S/C for salvage