1/27/25 Philadelphia PA Box 946

Jan 20, 2014
Fire Location: Germantown Ave. & Duval St.

Heavy fire on the 1st floor of a 2 story storefront


BC-2 Heavy fire on the 2nd floor

Engines 12-9, 51-19
Ladders 18-21, 3-29
New Computer Aided Dispatch System (CAD) went in service last week in Philadelphia. Every box number in the city was changed for the new system. First two digits of the box number are now the engine company number in whose local district the box is in. Local district is then divided up into several block square areas that are identified by the last four digits of the box number. So this number indicates Squrt 9's local, area #46.
Under the category of "It's good to know somebody who knows somebody", in early June, 1977 I got a tour of the nearly brand new Philly Fire Communications Center in the basement of the new PFD Headquarters at 3rd and Spring Garden Streets by then Deputy Chief Bill Richmond. We could not have been there more than 30 seconds standing behind the radio dispatcher when some Battalion Chief strikes out a second alarm...Sweet!

As I recall, all the telegraph equipment was still run by other fire alarm operators in the old alarm room in Room 626 in City Hall. Boxes were still struck on the joker to the firehouses, but only to a "mushroom' or desk tapper at the watch desk . The housewatch was still busy writing down every signal in the "Book".
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Under the category of "It's good to know somebody who knows somebody", in early June, 1977 I got a tour of the nearly brand new Philly Fire Communications Center in the basement of the new PFD Headquarters at 3rd and Spring Garden Streets by then Deputy Chief Bill Richmond. We could not have been there more than 30 seconds standing behind the radio dispatcher when some Battalion Chief strikes out a second alarm...Sweet!

As I recall, all the telegraph equipment was still run by other fire alarm operators in the old alarm room in Room 626 in City Hall. Boxes were still struck on the joker to the firehouses, but only to a "mushroom' or desk tapper at the watch desk . The housewatch was still busy writing down every signal in the "Book".
Fire Administration Building (HQ) is still at 240 Spring Garden Street. Fire Communications Center and Police Radio are now in the new Police Headquarters at Broad & Callowhill Streets, the former Inquirer Building.