10/10/08 Manhattan Box 648 - 10-77

Nov 27, 2007
Gramercy, Manhattan, NY, 10/10/08

Location: 2nd Ave between E26 and 27 sts

Box 648
Engs. 16, 14
TL7, L3
Battalion 6

10-77-648 - 18:03 hours
Battalion 6: Box 648, we're going to transmit a 10-77, attack stair is B.
Engs. 5, 26
E1 (CFRD engine)
L24, TL12
E3 w/ High-Rise 1
TL9 is the FAST truck
Battalions 7, 9, Rescue, Safety
Battalion 4 acting 8 (Safety Officer)
Rescue 1
Squad 18
Division 1

18:05 hours
BC6: Box 648, we're going to go with All-Hands, we had a small fire in the bathroom in apartment 17B, attack stair has been changed to stair A.

18:09 hours - Duration 12 minutes
BC6: Main body of fire has been knocked down, primary search is negative in the fire apartment, adjacent apartment, and floor above are negative, Probably Will Hold.

18:10 hours
BC6: Box 648, with the Probably Will Hold, you can return all special units.
Rescue/Safety Battalions, FieldCom, Rescue 1, Squad 18 are 10-8

Fire Building Height/Size-up:
20 story fireproof OMD 100x100 irregular
1 stret
2 courtyard
3 unknown
4 street

18:14 hours
Manhattan inquiring if Battalion 8 (original) responded.

18:14 hours
DC1: We do have Battalion 8 here.

18:18 hours
DC1: Fire apartment is 17B

18:18 hours
Apartment 15F requesting if they should evacuate

18:18 hours
DC1: Fire Under Control, primaries and secondaries are negative.

18:21 hours
DC1: Secondary searches in the stairwells and elevators are negative, fire is Under Control, Division 1 is 10-8, Battalion 6 is Incident Commander.