10/10/11 Brooklyn Box 3363 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, NY, 10/10/11

Address: 1925 East 8 st between Ave S and T

11:01 hours
Box 3363
Engs. 254, 276, 253
TL153, L156
Battalion 33

10-75-3363 - 11:04 hours
L169 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 43
Division 15
Rescue 2
Squad 1

7-5-3363 - 11:06 hours
Battalion 33: Building is a 2 story 20x50 private dwelling, fire's in the basement.  Exposure 1 is a street, 2 is an alley, 3 a rear yard, 4 is a similar attached.  we have 2 10-45 no codes at this time.  All-Hands.

11:10 hours - Duration 10 minutes
BC33: Primary searches except for the 10-45s are negative.  Main body of fire's been knocked down.  Fire's Doubtful.

11:12 hours
TL172 S/C

11:24 hours - Duration 25 minutes
Division 15: Update on the 10-45, we have 2 10-45s, we're going to make them code 2s (Red Tag, Immediate) with burns, we have a 3rd one being brought down to the ambulance to be looked at, we'll make that one a no-code at this time.

11:33 hours
DC15: All-Hands Box 3363, by orders of DC Jakubowski, fire's Under Control.  Secondary searches in the basement, 1st and 2nd floors all negative, k.  Can we have the fire marshals respond, mixer-off message.