10/11/08 Manhattan Box 1780 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
Inwood, Manhattan, NY, 10/11/08

Address: 36 Ellwood St between Hillside and Neagle Aves

19:09 hours
Phone Box 1780 - Report of fire in an OMD
Engs 95, 93, 67
L36, TL45
Battalion 13

10-75-1780 - 19:11 hours
TL46 is the FAST truck
Battalion 19
Rescue 3
Squad 41
Division 7

CIDs for 36 Ellwood St
MD 7 story 100x100 class 3 H-type, 1 stair through the building, also known as 36-44 Ellwood St

19:13 hours
Battalion 19: Advise Rescue 3 to avoid coming in on the GWB approach, it's all backed up.

19:14 hours
Now receiving apartment C1 on the 1st floor, report of fire on the 6th floor

19:16 hours
BC13: Size up will be as per CIDs

19:17 hours
BC13: 1 line stretched in operation, all visible fire seems to be knocked down, primary search in the fire apartment is negative.

7-5-1780 - 19:18 hours
BC13: Apartment is 1E on the fire floor, and we're going to use All-Hands

17:24 hours
DC7 is 10-84

19:29 hours
Apartment 2E reports heavy smoke and an elderly male

19:31 hours - Duration 25 minutes
DC7: Box 1780, we're to go with Under Control, we have 2 10-45 code 3s (Yellow Tag, Delayed), main body of fire knocked down, primaries are negative.

19:34 hours - Duration 28 minutes
DC7: Box 1780, we're going to go Under Control, secondaries are complete and negative throughout

Exposures are:
1 - Street
2 - Alley
3 - Similar Attached
4 - Street