10/23/10 Queens Box 4096 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
Maspeth, Queens, NY, 10/23/10

Location: 57 st and Grand Ave

06:11 hours
Phone Box 4096 - Report of fire in a lumber yard
Engs 291, 206, Squad 288
L140, TL124
Battalion 28

06:16 hours
Battalion 28: Box 4096, we're using 2 and 2, we have what appears to be an outside brush fire in the lumber yard.

06:29 hours
BC28: Box 4096, we're still using 2 and 2, all visible fire has been extinguished, we're just checking for extension.

7-5-4096 - 06:31 hours
BC28: Box 4096, we're going to use All-Hands, no special units required.  We had to relay water to extinguish pockets of fire.  We'll be using the units on scene.  Doubtful at this time.

06:37 hours - Duration 28 minutes
BC28: Box 4096, the fire's Probably Will Hold

06:40 hours - Duration 32 minutes
BC28: The fire's Under Control.  The address they have is 58-30 57th St.