10/24/11 Brooklyn Box 3344 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, NY, 10/24/11

Address: 1323-1325 Avenue U @ East 14 st

06:08 hours
Phone Box 3344 - Report of fire in a restaurant
Engs 254, 276, 246
TL153, L156
Battalion 33

10-75-3344 - 06:14 hours
Battalion 33: We have a 10-75 in a pizzeria.  I'll get back with the address and size-up.
L169 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 43
Division 8
Squad 1
Rescue 2

7-5-3344 - 06:18 hours
Battalion 33: We're using All-Hands, it's a pizzaria, 3 story building class 3 20x60.  1 is a street, 2 is a 2-story similar, 3 is a similar, 4 is a street.  2 lines stretched, 1 in operation, fire's Doubtful.  1325 Avenue U.

06:25 hours - Duration 19 minutes
BC33: We have 2 lines stretched, 2 in operation, all visible fire is knocked down at this time.

06:44 hours - Duration 38 minutes
Division 8: At Box 3344, at this time we have 2 lines stretched, 2 in operation, main body of fire has been knocked down, trucks are opening up, checking for extension.  Primary searches are negative on the 2nd and 3rd floors, notify gas and electric utilities we have service cut to the building, and we have a food establishment, notify Board of Health.

06:47 hours - Duration 42 minutes
DC8: 3344, we're going to go with a Probably Will Hold.  We'll make this a 10-41 code 1, mixer-off message.

06:51 hours
ConEd reports a 10 minute ETA, National Grid advises first available.

08:57 hours - Duration 51 minutes
DC8: 3344 secondary searches are complete and negative throughout, fire is Under Control.  We also had to force entry into the food establishment next door.

Relocations: E282/254, E310/321