10/3/08 Manhattan Box 1238 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
Upper West Side, Manhattan, NY, 10/3/08

Address: 110 W96 st between Columbus and Amsterdam Aves

00:56 hours
Phone Box 1238 - Report of smoke in a MD
Engs. 76, 74, 47
TL22, L25
Battalion 11

10-75-1238 - 01:04 hours
Battalion 11: Box 1238 we're going to go with a 10-75, we have fire on the roof.
TL13 is the FAST truck
Battalion 10
Rescue 1
Squad 41

7-5-1238 - 01:05 hours
BC11: Fire's on the MD, we have 1 line stretched in operation on the roof, it seems to be a machinery room, you can turn back all special units, we'll be using All Hands, fire is Doubtful right now.

01:09 hours - Duration 14 minutes
BC11: All visible fire extinguished, we're going to go Under Control

Fire Building Height/Size-up
15 story 160x100 OMD
Exposures are:
1 -  street
2 - 5 story attached MD
3 - unknown
4 - 5 story attached MD