10/5/08 Manhattan Box 1807 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
Inwood, Manhattan, NY, 10/5/08

Location: Bennett Ave and W190 St

Phone Box 1807
Engs. 95, 93, 67
L36, TL45
Battalion 13

Battalion 13: We have a smoke condition in a 6 story brick 120x100 multiple dwelling, we're investigating at this time

10-75-1807 - 22:14 hours
L34 is the FAST truck
Battalion 16
Rescue 3
Squad 41
Division 7

7-5-1807 - 22:18 hours
BC13: Box 1807, we have fire on the top floor, rear apartment, additional engine and truck, using All Hands
E43, L59 S/C

22:20 hours
BC13: At this time we have 1 line stretched in operation, 2nd line in progress ,searches throughout underway, have all units responding in call the chief via handy-talkie.

22:24 hours - Duration 16 minutes

Exposures are:
1 - street
2 - similar attached
3 - rear yard
4 - 3 story new construction

22:32 hours - Duration 25 minutes
DC7: The primary search is still in progress, fire is darkening down, there is a Collyer's Mansion condition, still checking for extension in the cockloft.

22:34 hours
DC7: Have DEP respond to Box 1807, we have a hydrant with problems at 200 Bennett Ave, we have water leaking from the bottom of the hydrant and cannot shut it down.

22:36 hours
DEP advises they won't be able to turn anyone out until the next shift.

22:37 hours
Squad 41 is 10-8 switching back to da Bronx

22:40 hours
Rescue 3 is 10-8 switching back to da Bronx

22:40 hours
TL13 is 10-8 in TL45's response area

22:43 hours - Duration 36 minutes
DC7: Box 1807, primary search in the fire apartment is complete and negative, fire is Probably Will Hold.

22:44 hours - Duration 37 minutes
DC7:  Box 1807, the fire apartment is 6A as in Adam.

22:46 hours
DC7: Box 1807, please have a representative from ASPCA respond, we have 2 dead cats in the fire apartment.

23:05 hours - Duration 58 minutes
DC7: All searches are complete and negative, fire is Under Control, k.

23:09 hours
BC13: Box 1807, we will go with a 10-41 code 1 (Suspicious Fire in an occupied structure)