12-12-07 Va. Beach, Va. 1st Alarm with Special Calls, Brush Fire

Apr 9, 2007
5500 Block of Morris Neck Rd.
Between: Campbells Landing Rd. & Fitztown Rd.
Brush Fire

1306: Verbal from a citizen at Engine Co. 6

1306: E6, Tanker6, Bat4

1313: Bat4 "Large brush fire, need Police Air Unit and 2 more Brush Trucks"

1315: E13, E5, Tanker5, Brush13, Brush5, Air3

1325: Police Air3 responding

1349: Bat4 "Area on fire is 500 x 500 in the woods approx 1/2 mile off the road, time out about 2 hours"

1422: Bat4 "Special call 2 additional Engines"

1423: E2 acting E6, E8 acting E5

1424: Bat10 (Chief of Safety)

1500: Bat4 "Respond a wrecker from the City Garage, stuck Engine"

1530?: Bat4 "Under control"

1557: Bat4 "Special call 1 additional Brush Truck"

1557: Brush17

1700?: Bat4 "Fire out"

1723: Bat4 "Command terminated, all units in the process of clearing"