Port Richmond, Staten Island, NY, 12/25/09
Address: behind 2049 Richmond Terrace between Park and Hebeton Aves
Phone Box 723 - Report of either a boat or a waterside house on fire
Engs. 157, 156, 158
L80, TL79
Battalion 22
Marine 9
17:58 hours
L80: Looks like it's a boat, we're pulling up now, we'll get back to you.
10-75-723 - 17:59 hours
L83 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 21
Rescue 5
Squad 1
Division 8
Marine 6
18:00 hours
Battalion 22: We have a barge on the water fully involved.
18:03 hours
Tactical Support 2, Rescue Battalion, E159 w/ Satellite 5 S/C
18:03 hours
BC22: No exposure problems, we have the stang from TL79 in operation.
18:05 hours
BC22: The box is in the water but is accessible from the land.
18:05 hours
Battalion 40 is relocating to Battalion 22
18:06 hours
BC22: Have Marine 9 respond to the foot of Port Richmond.
18:08 hours
E242 is relocating to E163
18:08 hours
BC22: Box 722, we have a 1 story structure on top of a barge approximately 30x100. Also have the Coast Guard respond.
18:09 hours
BC22: At this time we have 1 tower ladder and 2 handlines in operation, the main body of fire has been knocked down.
18:09 hours
Marine 6 has a 30 minute ETA with a southbound tide.
18:11 hours
US Coast Guard reports that a tugboat reports that it is an old derelict wooden coffee barge.
7-5-723 - 18:14 hours
Division 8: Box 0723, you can return rescue and squad. We have a 30x100 barge with a wooden structure, fully involved. Exposure 4, a tugboat, is also involved. We have E156 as our Cold Water Rescue. Have Marine units respond to the foot of Port Richmond, we're going to be Doubtful Will Hold. All-Hands.
18:16 hours - Duration 19 minutes
Marine 9: Relay to Division 8 that a local tugboat company is advising us that the tugboat has been out of service for some time, there is no life risk. Marine 9 is continuing in.
18:18 hours
E168 is relocating to E158
18:18 hours
E166 S/C to replace E156 for work
18:19 hours
L168 is relocating to TL79
18:23 hours - Duration 26 minutes
DC8: The structure on top of the barge collapsed, fire is darkening down. The chief is returning Squad, Rescue Battalion, and the extra engine. Fire is still Doubtful.
18:27 hours - Duration 30 minutes
DC8: Box 0723, DC reports all visible fire has been knocked down. Searches will be delayed until they can be conducted in a safe manner, fire is Probably Will Hold.
18:32 hours
M9: Can you ascertain from Division 8 if this fire is negatively affecting any of the other traffic in the area.
18:32 hours
DC8: This does not impact any of the other vessels in the harbor.
18:41 hours - Duration 44 minutes
DC8: Box 0723, this fire is Under Control. Searches were conducted by visual from the dock and from Marine 6 and were negative, k.