12/27/2024 Manhattan Unusual Incident Box 8171

May 25, 2022
Location: Penn Station

Person Set on Fire by the Escalator

E1, E26, E65
L24, T21

1955 MN - Penn Station, 33rd & 31st for a Person set on Fire.
1956 MN/B7 - As per EMS, person set on fire at the top of the Escalator
2003 B7 - Drop down to an 18, Members bring up the patient with burn injuries.
2008 D1 - Could you raise EMS to get a code?
2010 B7 - Transmit a No Code 10-45 due to the patient being burnt by Direct Flame.
2011 D1 - *Mixer Off Message*
2013 B7 - ? Code 3. Patient is a Yellow Tag (45 Code 3)
2017 D1 - MTA Police are referencing video footage to verify what the Victim Stated.
2022 D1 - Just verify that the Marshals are responding.
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Now It Is Believed That The Homeless Man Set Himself On Fire.