12/8/10 Bronx Box 2573 - 2nd Alarm

Nov 27, 2007
Morrisania, The Bronx, 12/8/10

Address: 1161 Sherman Ave between Mc Clellan Ave and East 167 st

06:49 hours
Phone Box 2573 - Report of a fire in a MD
Engs. 50, 68, 71
TL44, L19
Battalion 17

10-75-2573 - 06:53 hours
L49 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 26
Division 6
Rescue 3
Squad 41

CIDS for 1161 Sherman Ave:
MD 6 story 75x100 class 3.  Wing stairs in basement apartments.  Boiler room in rear on 2 side.  Fence on roof.  Window bars in basement.  A wing - Even apartments.  B wing - Odd apartments

7-5-2573 - 06:56 hours
E82, L55 S/C

06:57 hours - Duration 9 minutes
Battalion 17: We have fire in apartment 19 on the 3rd floor.  Exposure 1 is a street, 2 is similar attached, 3 is a rear yard, 4 is similar attached.  Fire is Doubtful.

2-2-2573 - 07:00 hours
Engs. 43, 73, 60
E72 w/ Satellite 2
Battalion 14 (Safety Officer)
Battalion 13 (Resource Unit Leader)
Rescue, Safety Battalions
Tactical Support 1
FieldCom 1, Command Tactical Unit

07:16 hours
Division 6: Box 2573, we have 3 lines stretched in operation, trucks are opening up, primary searches on the fire floor and floor above are negative.  We have extension to the floor above, fire is darkening down on all floors, trucks are checking the cockloft for extension, we're still Doubtful.

07:24 hours
Rescue Battalion, FieldCom released and re-directed to Brooklyn 2-2-2512.

07:32 hours
DC6: Box 2573, all primary searches throughout are complete and negative, Probably Will Hold.

07:38 hours
DC6: Searches throughout are complete and negative, we're Under Control.
Bob Dobalina said:
Where was 92 Engine?  This is one of their 1st due boxes.
 No surprise these days that your 1st due engine is not available, G-Man theory strikes again ;)
Seconds before this box came in E92 got an EMS run... As they were pulling outta qrts the tones were going off for 44 to respond for the job.....the EMS run would end up beind a 10-91 and 92 went 10-8 asking the disp if they had another box for them, the disp then sent them to an oil burner blocks away from the job.
irons4life said:
Seconds before this box came in E92 got an EMS run... As they were pulling outta qrts the tones were going off for 44 to respond for the job.....the EMS run would end up beind a 10-91 and 92 went 10-8 asking the disp if they had another box for them, the disp then sent them to an oil burner blocks away from the job.

F'in B.S...................Very surprised the officer didn't get on the radio and say that they were being flagged into the job.......................Musta' been a covering boss.
Courtesy of Ex Chief:

Bronx,  N. Y.  12/08/10  @  07:00 hrs.

Morrisania  Section

Box  2573

address:              1161  Sherman  Ave.  x  East  167th  St.

2573  @  06:48

Engs.  50,  68,  71

T. Lad.  44,  Lad.  19

Batt.  17

10 ? 75 ? 2573  @  06:52

Ladder  49  is  designated  as  the  ?FAST?  Truck

Eng.  42

Rescue  Co.  @3

Squad  Co.  #41

Batt.  26

Division  6

Fire  Building:

6  Story  Brick  75  x 100  O.M.D.

Surrounding  Properties:

Exp. #1:  Is  a  Street

Exp. #2:  Is  a  Similar  Type  attach

Exp. #3:  Is  a  Rear  Yard

Exp. #4:  Is  a  Similar  Type  attach

All ? Hands:

7 ? 5 ? 2573  @  07:54

Batt.  17  reports:    Box  2573,  Using  All ? Hands  for  a  fire  in  Apt.  19  on  the  3rd  floor

of  a  6  Story  brick  occupied  multiple  dwelling.      We  have  2 ? lines  stretched,  2 ? lines 

in  operation.    Trucks  are  ?Opening  Up?    Searches  being  made.    Fire?s  Doubtful.

Special  Call  an  additional  Engine  &  Truck.

Engine  82  &  Ladder  55  are  s/c

?Division  6  to  da  Bronx,  Transmit  a  2nd  Alarm,  fire  extended  to  the  floor  above,

possibly  into  the  ?Cockloft?

2nd  Alarm:

2 ? 2 ? 2573  @  07:00

Engs.  43,  73,  60

T. Lad.  31

Eng.  72  w /  Satellite  2

Batt.  14  ?Safety  Officer?

Batt.  13  ?Resource  Unit  Leader?

Rescue  Battalion  /  Safety  Battalion

Fieldcom  1  /  Tactical  Support  Unit  #1

@  07:15

Division  6:    At  Box  2573,    We  have  3 ? lines  stretched,    3 ? lines  in  operation.

Truck  Co?s  are  ?Opening  Up?    Primary  Searches  on  the  fire  floor  and  the  floor

above  are  negative.    Fire  is  darkening  down  on  both  floors.    Trucks  are  ?Opening  Up?

in  the  Cockloft  checking  for  extensions.    Still    Doubtful.

@  07:28

Division  6:    At  Box  2573,    Primary  Searches  thru  out  are  complete  and  negative.

Fire  is  Probably  Will  Hold.

@  07:38

Division  6:    Box  2573,  All  Secondary  Searches  thru  out  are  complete  and  negative.

Fire  is  UnderControl.

(  Job  Duration:  50  mins.  )

Bob Dobalina said:
irons4life said:
Seconds before this box came in E92 got an EMS run... As they were pulling outta qrts the tones were going off for 44 to respond for the job.....the EMS run would end up beind a 10-91 and 92 went 10-8 asking the disp if they had another box for them, the disp then sent them to an oil burner blocks away from the job.

F'in B.S...................Very surprised the officer didn't get on the radio and say that they were being flagged into the job.......................Musta' been a covering boss.
I am too. I am also surprised that they didn't get thrown a bone and sent into the job. As we discussed recently, I felt bad for those guys. They've gotten screwed out of some pretty quality work over the past few months.