2/15/11 Manhattan Box 1576 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
Harlem, Manhattan, NY, 2/15/11

Address: 48 West 138 st between 5th and Lenox Aves

11:22 hours
Phone Box 1576 - Report of fire in a multiple dwelling
Engs 59, 69, 35
L30, L28
Battalion 16

10-75-1576 - 11:30 hours
Battalion 16: 10-75 Box 1576, apartment 4A on the 4th floor
TL14 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 12
Division 6
Squad 41
Rescue 3

11:33 hours
BC16: 1576, we have a 6 story multiple dwelling, fire on the 4th floor, apartment 4A, address 48 West 138 st.

7-5-1576 - 11:34 hours
BC16: 1576, All-Hands, dimensions are 80x100

11:46 hours - Duration 25 minutes
Division 6: Box 1576, all visible fire is knocked down, trucks are opening up to check for extension, primary searches are complete and negative, secondary searches are underway, apartment 6A, the apartment above the fire, was forced. We're going to go to Probably Will Hold for Manhattan Box 1576.

11:59 hours - Duration 38 minutes
DC6: Box 1576, all primary and secondary searches are complete and negative, we're going Under control for Box 1576.  We're letting the FAST Truck go, Division 6 will be 10-8, we're leaving Battalion 16 in charge of Manhattan Box 1576, k.

E22/35, L55/28