2/16/11 Manhattan Box 1807 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
Washington Heights, Manhattan, NY, 2/16/11

Address: 711 West 190 st between Bennett Ave and Broadway

08:35 hours
Phone Box 1807 - Report of fire in a multiple dwelling
Engs. 93, 95
TL45, L36
Battalion 13

10-75-1807 - 08:40 hours
Battalion 13: 10-75, we have fire on the 4th floor, 6 story multiple dwelling.
Engs. 67, 84
T34 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 19
Division 7
Rescue 3
Squad 41

08:45 hours
BC13: 1807, we have 1 line stretched in operation, searches are in progress, k.

7-5-1807 - 08:46 hours - Duration 12 minutes
BC13: Going to use All-Hands, fire's still Doubtful.  Primary search of the fire apartment complete and negative.

08:49 hours - Duration 15 minutes
BC13: 1807, primary search of the fire apartment is negative.  The fire apartment is 4E.

08:51 hours - Duration 17 minutes
BC13: 1807, secondary searches on the floor above are negative.  Fire's been extinguished, Probably Will Hold.

08:57 hours - Duration 22 minutes
BC13: 1807, all searches are complete and negative, we're going to go Under Control.
2 engines and 2 trucks on the inital ticket for a fire in a multiple dwelling?
where is the 3 and 2 response!
anybody have a reason why?
Most likely neither Engine hit 10-14 when they acknowledged the response. If housewatch doesnt hit the 10-14 then no 3rd engine assigned. Seems pretty simple but guys sometimes just forget it and hit 10-4.
Also  when receiving a run on the air the ENG Officer of a 4 FF Co. is supposed to acknowledge 10-14 rather than 10-4.