2/16/11 Queens Box 7473 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
Astoria, Queens, NY, 2/16/11

Address: 30-92 41 st between 30 and 31 Aves

12:49 hours
Phone Box 7473 - Report of a structural fire
Engs. 292, 287, 259
TL163, L128
Battalion 46
Rescue 4

12:50 hours
Now receiving report of people out the windows
Squad 288

12:51 hours
E292 is delayed due to BISP

10-75-7473 - 12:52 hours
E325 to Queens, URGENT, 10-75 Box 7562, 30-92 41 st, fire on the 2nd floor of a multiple dwelling!*
L154 (FAST Truck)*
L116, TL117**
Battalion 45*
Battalion 49**
Division 14

*Companies responding from Box 7562, a 10-92 for an incorrect address for Box 7566
**Companies responding from Box 7-5-7566

12:54 hours
TL163 to Queens, URGENT, need EMS at this Box, URGENT.

12:55 hours
Division 14: On that urgent request for EMS, transmit a 10-45 no code.

12:57 hours
Battalion 46: We have 2 10-45s, we have water on the fire at this time.  Location of the fire appears to be on the 2nd floor.

7-5-7473 - 13:00 hours

13:04 hours - Duration 17 minutes
Division 14: Box 7473, we have a 2 story 20x50, fire on the 2nd floor.  Exposure 1 is a street, 2 is a driveway, 3 is a yard, exposure 4 is a driveway again.  Main body of fire has been knocked down.  Primary searches are negative on the 1st and 2nd floors, secondaries delayed due to Collyer's Mansion condition.  We're still Doubtful.

13:06 hours
DC14: Both 10-45s are code 3s (Yellow Tag, Delayed)

13:08 hours - Duration 20 minutes
DC14: We're Probably Will Hold.

13:16 hours - Duration 28 minutes
DC14: All secondaries are negative except the fire room itself due to a Collyer's Mansion, we'll go Under Control.