2/2/11 Brooklyn Box 3603 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, NY, 2/2/11

Address: 2923 Brighton 3rd st between Neptune Ave and Brighton 3rd Court

07:02 hours
Phone Box 3603 - Report of fire in a private dwelling
Engs. 246, 245, 254
TL161, TL153
Battalion 43

07:02 hours
L169 available replacing TL153
TL161 is responding with 4 firefighters.

10-75-3603 - 07:04 hours
TL153 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 33
Division 8
Rescue 2
Squad 1

7-5-3603 - 07:05 hours

07:10 hours
E253, L166 S/C

07:12 hours - Duration 12 minutes
Battalion 43: Box 3603, we have a fire on the 1st floor of a 1 story 20x40 private dwelling, the address 2923 Brighton 3rd st, we have 2 lines stretched, 1 line in operation, exposures are: 1 is a street, 2 is an alley, 3 is an alley, 4 is an alley.

07:14 hours
Rescue 2 is delayed due to mechanical issues, requests Rescue 5 assigned.
Rescue 5 S/C

07:15 hours
Division 8 is delayed due to traffic

07:17 hours
Rescue 2 is OOS.

07:18 hours - Duration 18 minutes
BC43: At this time we have 3 lines stretched, 2 in operation, we're going to remain Doubtful.

07:19 hours - Duration 19 minutes
BC43: Primary searches are negative at this time, k.

07:27 hours - Duration 27 minutes
Division 8: Box 3603 we have 3 lines stretched, 2 in operation, fire in a 1 story 20x40, fire's on the 1st floor extended into the roof area.  Primary and secondary searches are negative at this time, trucks are opening up at this time.

07:38 hours - Duration 38 minutes
DC8: Box 3603, continuing to operate with 3 lines stretched, 2 in operation, 1st floor fire extended to the roof of a 1 story private dwelling. We have a cockloft and roof built on top of an existing roof, this will be an extended operation, trucks still opening up, fire is Doubtful.

07:48 hours - Duration 48 minutes
DC8: Box 3603, continuing extended overhaul operation of the roof of this building.  We're going Probably Will Hold at this time, we're releasing Rescue 5.

07:56 hours
DC8: Box 3603, continuing to operate, make this box a 10-41 code 1 (suspicious Fire, Occupied Structure).

08:09 hours - Duration 1 hour 9 minutes
DC8: Box 3603, we're going to go Under Control at this Box.  We still have members pulling through roofs, multiple roofs, with fire between layers.
